I must say I feel a little discouraged at the moment. I met with a Peri today and he has two main concerns about my hemorrhages.
1) The blood is from the placenta which can affect the growth of the baby since it is not receiving the blood flow, nutrients, etc.
2) The hemorrhages are in an area that they can prematurely break my water which obviously if this happens prior to 24 weeks the baby would not stand a chance of survival.
He wants me off work until 1-31-10 when I see him again. I will continue to follow up with my OB in between this time probably weekly.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and please continue to pray for my body to heal these hemorrhages and for the baby to continue to grow perfectly.
We trust God and knows that he knows every detail of what is happening and what will continue to happen. We thank Him for blessing us to the almost 17 week mark and for the growth of this baby to be currently measuring bigger then anticipated despite the hemorrhages.
I am free from doctors all next week since I had two appointments this week and two appointments last week.
Needless to say- this Christmas season will be spent resting and relaxing with my little family.
Hope all of you are doing well!