Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kris' cool new phone takes really incredible pictures

I got Kris a new phone for Christmas and it is incredible. It has the most amazing picture taking application which pretty much allows one to do whatever they want including sketching an image of your picture.

I really love this feature on his phone.....I am trying to get a picture of both boys in front of the Christmas tree but so far they aren't cooperating for me. I will try again tomorrow.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Greenfield Village

We went to Greenfield Village yesterday and had a blast. They had their LEGO display set up and it was incredible! The white building alone took about a year to create and this exhibit took several days to set up in the museum. The boys loved it!
Wyatt had a great time too! Thankfully they had some hands-on exhibits so Wyatt could get out of his stroller and crawl around for a little while and play with all of the toys that they had out.
Owen didn't want to leave the trains......he was SO busy playing with the trains on the train table and was content doing so.
Santa was at the Village too! They boys were super excited to see Santa, especially Nathan........he was a little shy at first but ended up sitting on Santa's lap and telling him everything that he wanted for Christmas this year!

Wyatt sat on Santa's lap....not by choice of course! Santa even asked us to hurry up and take the picture so we didn't have an unhappy baby on our hands.

Owen was afraid of Santa and would only go near him if I went with least Santa found out what Owen wanted for Christmas this year......a Polar Express train set.

It was a long day but we had so much fun! I told Nathan for the last couple of months that we would do something fun and it just so happened that Kris' mom got us tickets to go to the museum this week on a day that I had Nathan......hopefully we can go back again soon! SO much to do and see.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The boys....another attempt at photography!

I decided that I should get my camera out and try to shoot a few pictures of the boys in front of the Christmas tree. Owen cooperated at first and then wanted nothing to do with me or my camera, even when bribes were offered/threatened! I finally captured one decent picture of Owen man....looking cute as always. Owen was a big helper with Wyatt, as you can see I had a hard time with Wyatt in this picture.....unfortunately Wy doesn't quite understand how bribery works yet.

Here are my boys! Both looking at the camera. Wyatt was in the middle of forming a smile and of course the picture of him smiling, Owen was looking I guess this is as good as I'm going to get this year! It turned out pretty well.
Wyatt playing with some toys while I practiced a few test-shots. He was a good subject!

Here's my baby boy! Getting so big.....He will be 7 months old tomorrow.....where does the time go?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cookie Day 2010

We had a great day and made tons of cookies! Wyatt didn't help so much but he sure did look cute eating this GIANT pickle! Yummy!

Even Owen was a helper today!

Wowee! Who is going to eat all of these cookies?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kris is 31!!

Happy Birthday to my amazing and wonderful husband! Kris is the most loving and patient father and Owen and Wyatt are so blessed to have him for their daddy! We celebrated Kris' birthday last weekend with both of our families and today had a nice family night with just the four of us. I so cherish our family time together! Here is Kris blowing out the candles on his yummy cake! Wow, Wyatt looks a little spooked in this picture but it is still cute of all three of them!
Chocolate cake with chopped up candy canes in the icing.....yummy!

Owen has been quite the photographer lately! He likes to point and shoot, he took this picture. It turned out really neat!

We went to dinner at Olga's tonight and both boys were a little crazy to say the least.....I told Kris that I owe him a nice quiet dinner with just the two of us. (I guess he will hold me to it since it is now in writing.)
Thanks to Kris for all that he does for us! We love him very much and are so proud to call him husband and father!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wyatt in a basket

and surprisingly enough he is almost too big for it.......where does the time go? We cleaned out his dresser today and switched out all of his newborn/0-3/3-6 months and put in all 6-9 and 12 month outfits.
Wyatt in newborn outfits are soon going to be a distant memory! I guess this is why some people never stop having children until it just isn't possible any longer! Though my pregnancy with Wyatt was rough and I have no energy I am beginning to think that my job here on earth is to be a mom......finally I am more and more comfortable with motherhood and wouldn't trade it for anything. I also have thought about how badly I wanted a girl in both of my pregnancies but I am really loving having boys! Let's face it- a girl wouldn't look half as cute in a laundry basket :o)


There is nothing I would rather do then spend time with my boys! I love them beyond belief........
I was just thinking today that while I was pregnant with Wyatt I kept thinking to myself, how can I ever love another child as much as I love Owen......and while I was assured and reassured that it WAS possible I never believed I would have the same LOVE for Wyatt as I did for Owen. Now I know that it is possible and that my love for them isn't divided is the same amount for each of them! Yes at times I lose my patience and want to pull my hair out, but at the end of the day there is nothing I enjoy more then cuddling up with Owen while he is fast asleep and just whisper to him how much I love him and how proud of him I am!
Kris and I are so blessed to have two amazing little boys! We thank God for their continued safety and good health and ask that He continue to protect them.
Tonight as I write this both boys are upstairs crying......Wyatt is super tired but for some reason can't fall asleep. Owen got a "boo boo" just before bed and won't stop crying about that.....all in all an adventure filled Saturday night! But both Kris and I agree that we wouldn't trade it for anything!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Owen got himself dressed this morning! You can't tell from the picture however his pants are on backwards too.....need I say more??

Wyatt's poor head!

Poor Wyatt fell head first into the corner of the wall last night. The left side of his forehead has a huge bump on it! He is so busy! He is pulling things down, walking along furniture and crawling like a champ! I love this age.......he is becoming more independent however he still NEEDS and WANTS his mommy!
He has also said "mama" a few times! Not on que by any means but I'll take it any time he says it. It melts my heart.....he usually says it when he is really upset or frustrated and wants me to pick him up!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not so little!

Well, my time has come when I am no longer able to turn my back on this little boy! He is into anything and everything!!! But he sure looks adorable doing it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wyatt 6 months

Happy 6 months to my sweet baby boy! He had his six month appointment today and here are his stats:

Weight: 18.8 lbs, 67%
Length: 27.5inches, 83%
HC: 17.5inches, 68%

All in all he is looking great and measuring strong!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Owen is a stinker!

I woke up yesterday morning to Owen at the side of my bed. This was our conversation:

Owen: "Mommmmmm!!!"

Me: "What Owen"

Owen "First you are going to get out of bed and go downstairs and open the freezer and get me out a peanut butter and jelly. Second, you are going to get me a drink and turn on a show and last you are going to come back upstairs and go back to bed"

Me: "Really Owen, Am I going to do all that?"

Owen: "Yep, that's the dealio!"

SO what's a good mom to do other then to follow his list of demands in my weakened moment of a combination of stupidity and slumber? Yes that's right, I followed his list of demands to a tee and went back to bed.

When I woke up about 30 minutes later, I realized that my kid had ordered me to give him a PB and J at 7:45am.........WOW, does he have me trained or what???

Our Family!

I love having pictures taken of my boys and my family! I love when a professional takes the pictures, I love getting dressed up, I love doing Owen's hair, I love picking out coordinating outfits for the shoot......I just love everything about it. This year I was ecstatic that Wyatt was so happy for our photo session! There were so many excellent pictures to choose from however these three were on the top of my list. Since I don't scrapbook- I really enjoy blogging about firsts with the boys and posting pictures and telling cute little stories about what they did. Enjoy these newest professional pictures of our family....I sure do!

Wyatt sitting up for the first time

Wyatt will be six months old tomorrow. He sat up on his own completely unattended for the first time today!! Monday he has a doctors appointment and we are sure excited to find out his stats!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Me and my boys!

I took some picctures of the boys today.....and I even got a cute one of me and Wyatt....enjoy!

As promised!

I promised to post a picture of Kris' pumpkin that he carved and didn't have a chance to upload my photos prior to my last here are a couple more pictures from Halloween...and a couple of my WyWy! Here is my attempt at being creative with my turned out neat!
Can you say cute???

And finally.....Kris' pumpkin! Super cool!

Friday, November 5, 2010

More Halloween

Another picture of Kris' awesome pumpkins!! Kris has both talent and patience! Mr. SWAT man AKA Owen

Finally a picture of me and Wyatt......I'm always so busy taking the pictures that it is nice for once to be able to post a picture of us.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Owen had a big fun day yesterday! He stayed with my dad in the morning and then was with Julie in the late afternoon til we got back! They had so much fun!


We went to the Cleveland Clinic yesterday and Wyatt was just a great boy all day long!!! We were so proud of how he did. He even took a bottle from my mom and had a little nap while we were in with the doctor. Above is a picture of our little happy boy on the way back to the car. have all seen the pictures of Wyatt moving around a Owen yelled "mom come look at Wyatt he is sitting up in his crib." Sure enough when I went in his bedroom he was just hanging out! He almost looked like he was going to try to crawl out.....I think we will be moving down his crib mattress tonight!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The boys!

Owen boy hanging out tonight getting ready for bed, Wyatt is getting around so easily these days...

He even gets up on all fours and starts rocking.......

and lastly, here is a picture of our happy boy! so stink'n cute!!!!


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Our blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with our family.