Friday, January 29, 2010

Feeling Wyatt move.....

Kris, Owen and myself feeling baby Wyatt moving around!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Owen getting some much needed practice

with his new friend Madison. Madison was born 2 weeks early and is now 3 weeks old and doing great. We had a nice visit with her! Owen will be a great big brother.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Peri Update 24 weeks 2 days...

Went to see my Peri today and got GREAT news. The tech couldn't find my SCH's that as of my last scan were 6x2 and 8x2. They called me back in the room to meet with the doctor and we waited and waited. Then the tech came back in and said that she wanted to scan me again. Went back in where they found a "pocket of fluid" above my uterus that the doctor thinks may have been one of my SCH's but however now is just a 6cm pocket of fluid.
So I guess I am a graduate which is great but the pocket of fluid area still concerns me. He feels that this too will reabsorb with time and released me from his care. He did write me a note to continue working from home until 6-8 weeks after the baby is born.
Wyatt was measuring 25 weeks 1 day and I am 24 weeks 2 days so right around a week ahead of schedule and he weighed in today at 1 lb 9 oz.
I am extremely excited to say that I am so blessed and God continues to answer prayer.
He is keeping me off work (at the office) due to the fact that I am still very weak and don't have much strength and he isn't sure at this point when I will feel better.
Also- though my chances of placental abruption and PROM (premature rupture of membranes) decrease significantly there is still a chance of both at this point.
Thanks for all of your prayers!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daddy's got a new pair of glasses

Kris has had terrible vision in his right eye for years and years. He never had glasses because his left eye always compensated for his poor vision in the right eye......but he decided that he would try a pair of glasses out to see how he liked them and to protect his left eye. We got the call today that they were ready to be picked up so here he is with his new glasses on. I think they look pretty nice!

Owen in the tub at Aunt Julie's

Owen had a great time last night at Aunt Julie's house. She took him to the Plymouth ice show and then he had a spend the night at her house. This morning he told her that he really wanted a bath before she gave him a nice bath and couldn't resist taking these adorable pictures of our sweet little boy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Six months! Officially getting bigger!

I am ecstatic to say that I am 6 months pregnant! It finally seems to be real. I am getting a little bigger every day and can feel our sweet baby Wyatt kicking away all day and sometimes at night too. I am more excited about this pregnancy now even though I know that I am not officially out of the woods until this little boy is in my arms.
I meet with my Peri on Monday for another ultrasound to check the status of my hemorrhages and to make sure that Wyatt is still measuring perfectly! Please continue to pray!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Owen picked out an outfit for his baby brother...

Owen picked this outfit out today for his new baby brother Wyatt. We are feeling more excited for this baby everyday though we realize we still need to err on the side of caution.
We are glad that Owen seems to be coming around to the idea of a new baby in the house too, for a while every time we spoke about the new baby Owen would tell us that he didn't feel well.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Update on paci!

Well- we are proud to report that Owen hasn't used his Paci in 12 days. Sometimes he asks about it and it breaks our heart however we know that this is for the best and are so proud that he was sooo easily weaned after having it daily for 2 1/2 years. He continues to amaze us with his easy going personality. We love him sooooo much!

I have had a rough week. Started with some lower right back pain exactly one week ago and went to the doctor last Monday. The doctor did an ultrasound and said that everything with the baby looked good and didn't think that the pain was related to the baby.

Fast forward to Thursday afternoon when I thought I would do my best to help Kris out and decided to load and unload the dishwasher and do a load of laundry. After I brought the laundry downstairs something happened that landed me in a laying position on the landing of our stairs. I couldn't move for about 40 minutes. I was home alone and both scared and in severe pain. I finally got a hold of my parents who came over and helped me out. The pain didn't ease up so I ended up going to Triage to find out what was going on. Again I was reassured that this was not caused from the baby and they ruled out bladder/kidney infection, etc.

The doctor assumes that it is muscle pain/spasms and sent me home and encouraged me to start some physical therapy in the coming week.

The little fighter of ours continues to do well and as far as I know continues to grow at a normal pace. I will meet with the Peri again next Monday for another appt. to get an update on baby and my hemorrhages. I am praying that they will have disappeared since I was last scanned.

Kris and I finally agreed on a name for our sweet new little baby boy!

Wyatt Daniel Young.........Wyatt means "brave little warrior" and Daniel is symbolic for two reasons, first and most importantly it was the name of Kris' grandpa who passed away before Owen was born, and secondly it means "God is my judge". We wanted this baby to have a strong name but also a very meaningful name as we certainly do feel that he is our little blessing from God and that he is a fighter and very brave for all that he has been through.

We know that we aren't out of the woods yet as next week he will merely be viable but we pray that he won't make his appearance until at least 37 weeks at the earliest.

Thank you for continuing to pray for our family. We are certainly seeing the answer to prayer everyday and know that God continues to heal my body and will continue to let this little boy be a fighter.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

In with the new....out with the old!

Owen's big boy bedroom is finally done.....he picked out almost everything by himself and was soooo geeked about everything. We decided that we would let Owen pick out all new stuff and just use the "Jungle" theme decor in the nursery for the new baby.
Owen was so helpful last night getting everything organize and he was such a big boy that he even decided that his new baby brother could use his pacifier. Sooo- last night was day #1 of NO PACI!!!!! This is quite an accomplishment. He did have a little issue with it but since we told him what a big boy he was he decided that he didn't need it.
So I have one paci that is hidden and I am hopeful that I won't have to pull it out anytime soon.
Our little boy is getting so big- he was such a delight shopping with for his new bedroom decor.
We continue to be blessed!

Friday, January 1, 2010

21 weeks. Happy New Year!!

Well- I'm happy to say that I have made it to 21 weeks prego. Now my goal of 24 is only 3 weeks away and this little baby will stand a chance of survival. Praying he won't make his appearance until at least the very end of April or very early May!!!

Happy New Year to all of you! Wishing you all peace, love, happiness, and good health in 2010!


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