Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wyatt, 16 days old
Here is a typical picture of Wyatt. We don't know if he has colic or what but this is usually what he looks like when 1) he is not SOUND asleep and/or 2) we are not holding him.
We love him to pieces but can't seem to figure him out just yet. He does appear to be a big time momma's boy and usually will calm down if I am holding him, but sometimes that doesn't work either.
Wish us luck! We need it!
Wish us luck! We need it!
Owen's old and new pool
Owen asked today if we could get out his pool. We got it out of storage and blew it up however there was a hole in it and even with duct tape it was still letting out water and air.
He played in the pool for a few hours and Kris and I decided that maybe we should run to the store to see if we could find him a nicer pool with no leaks.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Our family and a priceless picture of Owen
My boys! Just perfect!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I love my boys!!
We are getting used to being a family of four and absolutely love it! Here is one of our first family pictures....Wyatt is 10 days old in this picture.
I love this picture of captures his fun side, yet shows how handsome and youthful he is. Every time I see this picture it reminds me of a priceless senior picture, not a picture of a 30 year old father of two and loving husband!! :o)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wyatt's first week at home
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wyatt Daniel has arrived 5-13-2010
I am so pleased to announce the arrival of the newest member of our family.......Wyatt Daniel. He arrived on 5-13-2010 at 9:41pm. He weighed 8 lbs 2.75 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He is perfect in every way and scored a 9.9 out of 10 on his APGAR test.
Thursday morning I had a doctor's appointment where I was measuring 3cm and 80% effaced. The OB I saw that morning stripped my membranes and didn't feel that I would make it much past my due date, which was May 15th. By the time I got home that afternoon my contractions were about 7-10 minutes apart. I decided to wait them out until they were about 6 minutes apart and then called the answering service who stated I should go to triage to be checked out.
Kris and I arrived at triage around 2:45pm on Thursday afternoon. By the time the tests were done to see if my water had ruptured it was about 4pm. I was told that my water did not rupture and that I was still 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and that I was very dehydrated thus likely the reason for my contractions. I was given two options. 1) I could go home and wait it out and come back when my contractions were longer and closer together. OR 2) I could drink lots of water in the hospital and walk around for 2 hours to see if I was making progress. We chose the second option.
We were told to walk for an hour on the 3rd floor of the hospital and to drink at least 3 large glasses of water. After an hour I had to leave another urine sample and get hooked up again to see how the baby was doing. Kris and I arrived back in our room and I left the second urine sample. The nurse told me that my urine was perfect. Baby looked good on the monitor and my contractions were much more intense and much more frequent. The nurse asked if I wanted to wait the next hour in the bed and then have the doctor check me, I opted to walk for another hour for fear that if I wasn't doing anything active then I would stop progressing. So off Kris and I went for another walk and with two more glasses of water.
The second hour was very tough. I was stopping every 3-5 minutes and was in a lot of pain. I'm sure I was given a lot of funny looks especially after we walked past the labor and delivery tour that was going on.....but I didn't care. I probably scared half of those women! Anyway- we kept walking and then I would have to stop and lean on the wall and breathe through my contractions. By the time we got back to triage my nurse said that she could tell in my face that these were "REAL" contractions.
I again was hooked up and waited for the doctor to come in to check me. When the doctor came in I was so nervous and I laid on the bed praying that I made some progress so they wouldn't dismiss me and blame it on dehydration. I cried out in JOY when the doctor told me I was 5cm and 90% effaced. I just knew that I wasn't dehydrated. From this point on everything happened so fast.
I was immediately admitted (this was around 7pm.) In the process of getting my admission orders and the triage doctor calling my regular OB I was given a quick ultrasound to make sure Wyatt was indeed head down. The doc looked at the screen for quite sometime before determining that Wyatt was head down however he was "sunny side up" or face up. This isn't too much of an issue for second time mom's but we were told that it was like trying to push a square peg through a round hole and that it could make for a longer, tougher delivery.
I was moved to the labor and delivery room and only had to wait about 10-15 minutes before I received my epidural. They were really rushing everything at the point. After my epi I felt much better however still felt A LOT of pressure.....which was just awful. Kris' family arrived first and then my family arrived shortly after. I labored for about an hour and a half and was in a lot of pain due to the pressure I was feeling. I was having so much pressure and was checked again and was told I was at 7cm and 100% effaced. At this point they wanted me to try to go down on all fours on a bean bag chair and hopefully this would turn the baby around so he would come out head down instead of face up. The doctor didn't know if this would work or not but it was worth the chance at this point.
I was only on the bean bag chair for about 15 minutes when I felt a ton of pressure (like the head of a baby). I told Kris to run and get the nurse and doctor. They came running in and flipped me over and told me that I could start pushing when I wanted to since I was 10cm and ready to go. I pushed for about 3 contractions- 3-4 times each contraction and out came baby Wyatt......head down and perfect. I got to hold him right away and Kris cut the cord.
It was a wonderful birth and we are so blessed to have another healthy boy in our family. Owen is a very proud big brother and we can't wait to watch them grow up together.
To all of you who prayed for us and for my pregnancy.....THANK YOU!
Check back often for more pictures and stories of our family of boyz!!!
God is good all the time, All the time God is good!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
39 weeks.......
My mom took these pictures today. She said we had to take them since it looked like I was going to "POP" any second. So here they are- I am happy that she took them as I know that they will be a good memory down the road. ENJOY!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Family picture....38 weeks pregnant....camping!

I had an appointment last Friday and am one centimeter dialated. I will have my membranes stripped at my appointment this week.
We are down to one week and four days.........totally surreal!
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Blog Archive
- Owen making his rounds
- Wyatt, 16 days old
- Owen's old and new pool
- Owen found a frog in our pond
- Our family and a priceless picture of Owen
- My boys! Just perfect!
- Wyatt 12 days old
- I love my boys!!
- Wyatt's first week at home
- Owen, Wyatt and Mommy
- Wyatt Daniel has arrived 5-13-2010
- 39 weeks.......
- Family picture....38 weeks pregnant....camping!
About Me

- Young's
- Our blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with our family.