Well we had another wonderful long weekend to Camp Barakel...................it was the coldest weekend so far out of many years and it did rain quite a bit, however we still had an awesome time.
Here is a picture of Kris taking Wyatt down "Thunder Express." I was shocked when I saw them come out of the bottom of the tunnel. Wyatt wasn't really phased by the long ride down the slide- I suppose our 3 month old little boy has just experienced his first adventure of life besides his own birth.

Grampy and Owen went down the slide too....

Owen hanging out in the camper eating Rainbow chips. I couldn't pass up this photo-op. He loves having his picture taken for the most part and often smiles away for us.

Owen had the cutest little girlfriend at camp and this year he took her around camp on his F-150. He would drive over to her campsite and pick her up in his truck and they would just drive around and around. He was such a gentleman!

Grammee and her boys! Need I say more?

Momma and her boys! Love them to pieces!

Wyatt man hanging out in his Bumbo. We have a very similar picture of Owen like this from when he was a baby, in fact he is wearing the same outfit........it will be fun to compare the two of them.

One more of Wyatt in his chair enjoying the camp fire.

Our family! Thanks to Maggie for capturing a great picture of us!

Grammee took this picture.....love this one too of our perfectly happy, healthy and blessed family!

My boys settling down at night getting ready for bed.

We had the greatest long weekend and are surely blessed by all that God has and continues to do for us in our lives!