There is nothing I would rather do then spend time with my boys! I love them beyond belief........
I was just thinking today that while I was pregnant with Wyatt I kept thinking to myself, how can I ever love another child as much as I love Owen......and while I was assured and reassured that it WAS possible I never believed I would have the same LOVE for Wyatt as I did for Owen. Now I know that it is possible and that my love for them isn't divided either....it is the same amount for each of them! Yes at times I lose my patience and want to pull my hair out, but at the end of the day there is nothing I enjoy more then cuddling up with Owen while he is fast asleep and just whisper to him how much I love him and how proud of him I am!
Kris and I are so blessed to have two amazing little boys! We thank God for their continued safety and good health and ask that He continue to protect them.
Tonight as I write this both boys are upstairs crying......Wyatt is super tired but for some reason can't fall asleep. Owen got a "boo boo" just before bed and won't stop crying about that.....all in all an adventure filled Saturday night! But both Kris and I agree that we wouldn't trade it for anything!