My in-laws, as wonderful as they are offered to take Owen and Wyatt for two spend the nights!! Well let's say they didn't really offer but when I asked if they wanted the boys for two nights they graciously said yes. I am SO blessed!! They do all kinds of fun stuff when they have the boys. They made cupcakes this time around. Here is Wyatt eating away.....yummy!! Owen posing with his cupcake! Love this kid!
Here is a picture of Grampy with his boys making french toast for breakfast. Grampy also took a day off of work to spend with the boys! How cool!!
I wish I could say that Kris and I enjoyed a romantic getaway......but we actually spent a lot of time apart. Kris cleaned out the garage and I worked and cleaned the carpets and straightened up the house and the boys room. You gotta do what you gotta do with the time you have.
The boys came home today and it was so good to see them.....they were surely missed!
We went to the Howell Balloon Fest on Saturday with some good friends. It was a great time and Owen thought it was just amazing!!! How fun for him and us! The balloons were flying right over our heads but if you look where Owen is looking that is the direction they were taking off from.
We hope to make this an annual tradition! I think next year Wyatt will love it too!!
We took a quick trip to Frankenmuth for a post birthday celebration for Owen. We had a great time and love staying at the Jellystone there. It is a very small and quiet park. Here are the boys eating breakfast in the camper. We enjoyed lots of shopping, eating at the Frankenmuth Brewery, bike rides, walks.....and much more! Owen especially enjoyed a day with just him and his daddy at splash village!
I've said it before and I will say it again. I am blessed, truly blessed to have such an amazing husband. Owen and Wyatt are equally as blessed to have Kris as their father.
Here is me and Wy hanging out....gotta try to get a good picture when we can. Wy helping Kris open up his father's day gift.
Happy 4th birthday to my sweet, sweet boy! Here he is jamming away on his new guitar wearing his beach cover-up that looks like a well, yes you guessed it I'm sure!
It wouldn't be a party if we didn't set up the 100 foot slip'n'slide again......Kris does an amazing job and the kids love it. So do the big kids, aka Kris and Jim......
Here comes Owen Believe it or not there are THREE boys in the ball.....six, five and four!! They thought it was pretty cool!
Wyatt even ventured down the slip'n'slide.
Owen insisted on a bumpy cake this year, so a bumpy cake is what he got!
His theme was fire trucks. I love this picture of him with this hat.
Mommy getting some cuddle time with Wy man. Notice the blue sky in the background. It was a gorgeous day. I got McDonald's happy meals for all of the boys. There were 6 boys total! Not one girl out of the bunch, can't believe it!
We had a great time celebrating his birthday this year. He is getting so big and his vocabulary amazes us. We love you Owen, so much! Happy Birthday!!
We went to Glennie for the weekend. Glennie is a place like no other and we LOVE going there. We are completely surrounded by trees and there is no road noise or traffic. Many times we don't get in the car the entire weekend we are there unless we venture out to the GT for dinner.!!!
Owen and Nathan are best buds. They played hard all weekend. On the way home Sunday Owen asked if we could keep nathan. Kris told him that Nathan wasn't a dog or a pet so you can't keep him. He said "I know, but I just want to keep him because I love him so much." I think this picture captures their relationship perfectly!
Nathan let Owen try out his four wheeler while there. Owen LOVED it!!! He really did very well too. I will admit it was a little scary but also so amazing to see how well he did.
Here is the main part of Glennie. Tami's parents have over 250 acres so this is just a very small glimpse at the main campsite.
Kris showing Owen how everything works.
It was a super fun weekend. Can't wait to go back.....hopefully soon!
Our first family trip of the season was a success. We traveled to Indiana, the first time we have been out of state with the fifth wheel.....ironically it was the first exit into Indiana. Oh well! We had fabulous was a little hot but it was sunny with blue skies every day! I would take the weather we had over rain or cold any day! Here is me and my baby. Thanks to Kris for capturing such a priceless picture of us.
Owen and Wyatt hanging outside reading over the park map deciding what to do next. Owen REALLY studying the map! Look at his concentration. Hopefully he will study math and science equally as well one day!
I had to beg Owen to pose for me in Yogi. He was less than thrilled but alas I got him to do it!
Wyatt hanging out in daddy's chair.
Wyatt hanging out in his own chair.
my boys on the train.
owen playing on the train at the playground
owen on the train ride.
Everyday Owen and I took a bike ride and it just so happened that it was during the crafts activity each day. SO he painted this car and made a key chain. Fun, fun, fun!!
Our summer home all set up. It served us well and was super comfortable for us to stay in for 4 nights. We didn't want to come home!
We had a perfect trip. There were three pools and a splash park and big water slides. It was very fun! The pools were perfect for how hot it was. We weren't sure how Wyatt would do with his recent diagnosis of pneumonia- but he did great. The antibiotics worked awesome and he was almost 100% by Monday. Owen on the other hand took a turn for the worse on Monday and we had to take him to a local urgent care where he was diagnosed with bronchitis and given an antibiotic too. But we made the best of it!!!
Got a call today from the pediatricians office saying Wyatt's white blood cell count came back elevated. They recommended a chest x-ray for follow up. We decided to take him to St. Joe's where they did a cath for a urine sample and a chest x-ray. His urine was fine but his chest x-ray showed pneumonia. My poor boy! Hoping his antibiotics help really fast, he is soooo miserable.
he just hasn't been doing well and since Tuesday has developed a cough and a steady fever that we can't control. We took him in today the doc said he needed to have some blood work done to rule out an infection. So we took him to the lab. The staff was great and was truly awesome. It wasn't as bad as Kris and I thought it was going to be. Wy did amazing!