The following is pretty much word for word what our conversation was today:
Owen "momma, can I ask you a chit-chat question?"
Me: "a chit-chat question?"
Owen "yes a chit-chat question."
Me: "sure Owen, you can always ask me questions."
Owen: "ummm, do little girls have penis'?"
Me: "no Owen little girls do not have penis'."
Owen: "Well I know that big girls don't have penis' but I was just wondering if little girls had them."
Me: "nope Owen, girls don't have penis'"
Owen: "So they don't have penis'....are you sure?"
Me: "Yes Owen I'm sure."
Owen: "oh, okay, can you turn on let your light shine song please."
Me: "gladly!"
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Happy Birthday to ME!!
What can I say....I'm 32 years young today! Another year older and so much to show for awesome husband, two amazing children, an incredible family, and so on and so on. So blessed!
Owen has croup...
Owen has had a nasty cold for about a week now. On Monday morning he woke up and told me that he couldn't breathe so I knew I had to take him in to see the doctor. Both the nurse and doctor heard his "seal bark" cough and after they checked out his vitals diagnosed him with Croup. He took a steroid medication drink in the office and we were on our way. He is so much better but still has a runny noise and cough (though it isn't the same cough)
Hoping he feels better really soon! He hates being sick!
Hoping he feels better really soon! He hates being sick!
Monday, September 17, 2012
"Captain American Flag"
Owen picked out a Captain America costume at Costco for Halloween a few weeks ago and ever since, everytime we see an American flag, Wyatt gets super excited and says "look momma, captain American flag" which actually sounds more like this, "ook momma, capin merican fag" It is adorable!! And you never realize how many people have American flags until your two your old says it about 20 times a day... when we are driving, or at the store, or pretty much doing anything. Too cute!
Love you Wy!
A new tradition for me and O
Kris' mom has been taking Wyatt for me on Thursday's....she had both boys last school year and it is so great to have a day to myself...unfortunately I primarily work when she has him but at the same time I'm grateful that it is one day that Wyatt doesn't have to "see" me work all day and gets some wonderful, undivided one on one attention.
So anyway.... last Thursday I woke Owen up early and he and I headed to the donut shop to have breakfast before I dropped him off at school. He loved it and I loved it! It was so great. Just the two of us. He even wanted to save his donut for his snack and apparently all of his classmates were super jealous...:)
Looking forward to Thursday so me and O can do this again!
So anyway.... last Thursday I woke Owen up early and he and I headed to the donut shop to have breakfast before I dropped him off at school. He loved it and I loved it! It was so great. Just the two of us. He even wanted to save his donut for his snack and apparently all of his classmates were super jealous...:)
Looking forward to Thursday so me and O can do this again!
Owen at Old Navy
We found out last minute that we were going to be doing our annual family photo shoot this weekend (for our Christmas cards), so Owen and I ran into Old Navy on Saturday to see if they had any better alternatives to the outfits I had already purchased for the boys.
They didn't (as I suspected) but they did have a "safety day" going on and had tons of games and fun things for kids to do....which was a huge plus because Owen isn't a huge fan of shopping with me. He asked for me to take his pictures in these cutouts.
What a good looking firefighter he is, if I do say so myself!!
Birthday party...On the farm fun!
We attended a birthday party on Sunday for one of Owen's kindergarten friends. Her birthday was beyond spectacular and included a petting farm and bounce house. Owen had a great time and even wanted to hold this creepy snake.....and liked it!!! They also had a HUGE snake there too but the little kids were only allowed to hold the little one (thank you reptile handlers)
I'm so glad that Owen is making such great friends at his school. What fun times for him!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Owen's quote of the day
Owen has a little issue with picking up his toys....he doesn't like to do it, usually throws a fit about it and it is just a BIG fight EVERYDAY! I usually try to have all of the toys picked up prior to leaving the house so that when we come home the house is nice and orderly.
Today I've been trying to get him to pick up his toys for about 15 minutes as he is going to ChuckE.Cheese's with his cousins.
Kris was helping out today too and walked into the playroom and said, "Owen, why are there 5 million crayons on the floor?" And Owen casually responds to him "There aren't 5 million crayons daddy, there are only 64!"
That's our boy!
Today I've been trying to get him to pick up his toys for about 15 minutes as he is going to ChuckE.Cheese's with his cousins.
Kris was helping out today too and walked into the playroom and said, "Owen, why are there 5 million crayons on the floor?" And Owen casually responds to him "There aren't 5 million crayons daddy, there are only 64!"
That's our boy!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Labor Day 2012
What a fantastic Labor Day we had this year. We continued on with our camping tradition with fabulous family and friends. This was my 12th year in a row and Owen's 6th and Wyatt's 3rd year. Kris has been going since he was a kid. What an awesome tradition to maintain and I'm so looking forward to being able to keep it going for as long as we can. The pastor who spoke this weekend was amazing....I really like him a lot! He spoke a lot about family and parenting...and I felt like he was talking to me at times...but it was exactly what I needed to get a little rejuvenated and I'm looking forward to following some good advice that is also biblical based.
We accomplished a ton this weekend. Wyatt napped each day so it was nice to have some alone time with Owen. We made crafts.....
And more crafts.....And played baseball.....
And climbed the rock wall.....
And did some more crafts......
And O and G went for truck rides around the campground...and he was quite the gentleman.
When Wyatt woke up, he enjoyed some playdoh crafts with Grammy.
Owen enjoying some more time on the rock wall.
And we went for a hayride....
And went down an awesome 150ft drainage tube slide....
Owen on it again and again and again and again...... and loved it EVERY time. He was so funny. He was screaming the whole way down "yeah, yeah, yeah!"
This is a picture of him coming out of the bottom of the slide. Check out the speed. So cool! This activity is by far his favorite thing to do at camp.
And more truck rides with O, G and Wy.
Of course going down this slide was pretty fun too!
And dirty faces are pretty much a given all weekend long despite baths and baby wipes.
Pictures in the same spot every year are a must for me. And thankfully after about 30 tries we got this one....pretty darned good if you ask me! All of my boys...LOVE THEM!
Grammy and Wy man hanging out.
Another adorable picture of O and G. How precious is this?!
Grampy playing baseball with the boys. Fun times!
Wy stuck between two adult chairs. Memories of how little he was is what this picture will become...
Another run down the slide. He only would go down with me once. All other runs he would only go by himself. He is getting SO big SO fast!
Cuddling on the hayride! Love you Owen!
My traditional family photo at Camp. Thanks boys.... for looking at the camera and smiling.
Owen walking up the HUGE hill to go down the tube slide again. I would meet him half way and grab his sled so he didn't have to lug it up the huge hill over and over. I know, I pretty much rock! :)
Grammy with Owen.
Me giving Owen some love.
Me and Wy-man...Love you wy wy!
Preparing our traditional Sunday night dinner. Tinfoil dinners aka AMAZING!
Love this one too...see the haze/dust? That's what it was really like.
Finally grampy and grammy with their grand babies.
We are already super psyched to go next year. It is such a fantastic weekend. We are so bummed it couldn't be longer!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Owen's first day of Kindergarten
It was a bitter sweet day this morning. Owen started his first day of Kindergarten. He is so big.....where does the time go? We started off our day a bit rushed. It will take a little while for me to get back into a routine of having to get two kids up and dressed and fed all before the 20+ minute trek to Owen's school. But he was super excited this morning. He even gave me a few good smiles before his day started.
He decided he wanted to go to Olga's for lunch so we went there and had a great lunch with just the two of us while Wy napped at my parents. We had SO much fun togeher!
Happy first day of school Owen....we love you very much!
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- Young's
- Our blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with our family.