We ventured over to the west side of the state this past week and had a blast. My brother and his boys camped next to us and my parents and my sister came up for a few nights.
My signature thing to do on the beach....writing in the sand.

Wyatt man...getting so so big!

Owen with his shipwreck wood. (They were searching all over the beach for this wood since kris promised them it was from a shipwreck.)

At the campsite on day one. It's no wonder why I have to pack a gazillion outfits for the boys!

The big boys playing some good old fashion bean bag toss. I was enjoying reading a book by the fire.

The next morning we awoke to Owen yelling that there was a porcupine eating our peanuts. Kris left them out overnight on accident and needless to say there were about five squirrels devouring our two bags of peanuts. Though they weren't big fans of the Cajun ones. Bummer though, they were two brand new bags of fresh peanuts and we had to throw them out.

Nathan on a hike. We love these trees across the river. I went across first to make sure it was safe.

Owen climbing this big tree. What a place for all boys!

Wyatt and uncle jimmy even made it across.

The next day we hiked up and up and eventually came to these steep steps which lead us to a nice overlook of Lake Michigan. My mom even made this climb. We were so proud of her!

And of course we took a nature walk that lead us to Lake Michigan. The boys were in awe.

Me and my boys right before we all ran down the sand dune.

All of the boys!!

It helped to let them get out some steam. In a playful way of course.

And just a nice natural pose with their walking sticks that we found along the trail.

Kris with his walking stick.

My boys following their daddy.

Wyatt with his shipwreck wood.

Jumping in the lake.

Until he fell in.....it was so cold!!

Owen jumping away.

Wyatt looking at the amazing view.

And lastly me and wy on a bike ride around the park. He did so good.

My sister took a million pictures so I will try to post some of hers when I get them. I didn't even take my real camera this trip. I decided I wanted to enjoy most of my time and not constantly be taking pictures like I did last year.
Thanks for stopping by!