Our Easter weekend started off pretty good. We headed to an Easter egg hunt in our new neighborhood on Saturday afternoon. The boys were thrilled!

It was a tad chilly but overall a very comfortable day. And warm enough to ride bikes which was a huge plus.

Later in the day we had my family over to celebrate Easter. At one point during the evening the boys came up dressed like this. It was quite a spectacle.

And then we watched the boys play knack for a while.

On Easter morning we headed to church early because kris and I offered to help in the kitchen to prepare a nice Easter breakfast for the congregation and visitors. We set up Owen and Wyatt at a table and let them be for about an hour and a half until we were done.

After church we headed to see great grandma jane. It was a short but nice visit. Wyatt was just pretty quiet and grumpy the whole morning but I chalked it up to him just being tired. However when my mom saw him at church she said he had measles. I just laughed at how insane her comment sounded and went about our day as nothing was wrong.

When we got home Wyatt was not doing much of anything. Kris and I both agreed that he felt warm and his face was broken out as well as his back and other areas of his body.

So we decided to take him in to after hours on Easter Sunday. Not what we had in mind at all. Especially since that meant we wouldn't all be able to celebrate Easter together as a family. He slept the whole way. The first after hours clinic I went to decided to close early without any notification so we had to trek down to Ann Arbor. Thankfully it was not busy at all and we received excellent service and care. Wyatt had strep and scarlet fever thus the rash.

He said he felt like chicken mcnuggets and a milkshake from mcdonalds. He did not eat or drink much but ate enough to know he was feeling better. My mom made me an egg salad sandwich which was good, but was nothing compared to the ham loaf that my mother in law makes!

Thankfully Owen was still able to head to Grammy and Grampys with daddy.

It was a truly beautiful day for an Easter egg hunt.

He was so happy with all of his new gifts.

And here is a picture of Wyatt this morning. Still not 100%. I'm hoping these antibiotics kick in soon and give my sweet boy some needed relief.
I hope you and your family had a nice Easter as well. He is Risen, He is risen indeed!
Thanks for stopping by!