Yesterday,while eating lunch,Owen lost his third tooth. He just started spitting food on the table and kris and I both stared at him with a look of disbelief and said "what are you doing?" He laughed and said "no it's okay, my tooth just came out!" We all had a good laugh at that and told him that was the only time he would ever get away with spitting food out on the table.....EVER!
So he immediately took his tooth to go rinse it off but it slipped out of his hand and right down the drain! He was so devastated. Thankfully kris is a good daddy and came to the rescue to try to find it for him.

And he was successful!!! Look at this boy. Missing three teeth....and all of them fell out within the last three months!

The tooth fairy was good to him again and left $5.....what a lucky boy!!!
Thanks for stopping by!