Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Snapping turtles and bonfires oh my!

This huge snapping turtle was casually roaming through my brothers backyard the other day. It was so big!!! We kept our distance and now the boys know they need to be careful...we are loving the nature we are finding with having a small wooded area behind our house!

And we also have had a lot of trees and branches to burn so here is one of our big fires that we had. Summer is great for so many reasons!!!

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Four boys!

I had my nephews for three days straight last week. They all played so well together. It is great having them so close to us now.

They all just plopped down in our bed for some quiet time.

And of course enjoyed a nice show together on the couch. What good boys they are! Love them all!

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We saw two baby deer hanging out in our backyard the other day. They were between our house and my brothers house. My brother captured this picture on his phone, it's a bit grainy but I still love it. We haven't seen them since but are hoping they will come back so we can get some better pictures.

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Owen lost his 3rd tooth!!!

Yesterday,while eating lunch,Owen lost his third tooth. He just started spitting food on the table and kris and I both stared at him with a look of disbelief and said "what are you doing?" He laughed and said "no it's okay, my tooth just came out!" We all had a good laugh at that and told him that was the only time he would ever get away with spitting food out on the table.....EVER!

So he immediately took his tooth to go rinse it off but it slipped out of his hand and right down the drain! He was so devastated. Thankfully kris is a good daddy and came to the rescue to try to find it for him.

And he was successful!!! Look at this boy. Missing three teeth....and all of them fell out within the last three months!

The tooth fairy was good to him again and left $5.....what a lucky boy!!!

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Detroit Tigers

Tonight my brother and his girlfriend took their kids and heads downtown to watch the Tigers play ball. My brother invited Owen to tag alone! He was so stoked to be invited to hang out with his older cousins and Katie and Christopher. When my brother picked him up he had this jersey for him....what a special night!!

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We have been getting a lot of rain lately.....so much in fact that we have had to wear our rain boots.

I love this picture!!

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Outdoor lighting

Kris hung up these lights for me the other week.


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Owen's dog bite

Owen has been taking care of my brothers two dogs the past couple of weeks. Just a little summer job for him to let them out once a day while my brother is at work. Owen has been loving getting paid to do such a simple task. But today when he went over he was very quiet and startled the older dog while she was laying down and she lunged at him and bit him in the face and scratched him with her paw. Owen came running home screaming and it was a pretty miserable site to see. He was so scared!

Thankfully the bite was not deep enough to require stitches. He was put on antibiotics as a precaution. My brother put his dog down so it was a sad situation for everyone involved but there was no way we could let this happen again.

RIP Scout!!

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Happy Fourth of July

This year we headed down to greenfield village again for our annual fireworks and DSO performance.


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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Washington DC

Kris was out of town all last week to Washington DC. It was the first time that he has been gone for more than one or two nights. He took with him one of Owen's and Wyatt's mini Lego figures for some fun pictures. Enjoy!

At first the boys couldn't believe that daddy got two mini figures with his lunch and demanded that we go to this restaurant. When I told them that they were their mini figures they thought it was pretty funny!

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