Wy was the red power ranger and Owen was a ninja. They both really enjoyed their costumes and took their parts seriously!!

Crazy thing happened here today.....it got cold, really cold with rain which turned into sleet which turned into snow. But the boys were troopers and daddy took them out for about an hour.

We had the local fire department come pass out candy to the kids. This is right next to us. Kris said that one house had a BBQ and was passing out cheeseburgers to the adults. We are really loving our new sub! The fire truck was a big hit......kris took the firemen coffee because it was so cold outside.

And afterwards, Wyatt eating two pixie stix at the same time. What talent he has!

And did I mention we actually accumulated snow?! This is a first I believe, and it's still coming down now!!
Hope you all had a happy Halloween!!

Thanks for stopping by!