WOW!!! I've entered my 9th and final month of pregnancy. It certainly seems surreal to me that I can say that!!
I feel very ready to have Wyatt, physically, mentally and emotionally speaking! My feet are literally aching 24 hours a day (my broken foot is starting to throb again after weeks of feeling relatively back to normal.) My back is aching. I can't sleep at night, in between bathroom runs I find that I just can't seem to get comfortable.
I have two doctors appointments this week. An ultrasound and then a follow up appointment with my OB on Friday. Last week I was told that baby Wyatt was transverse as of my last ultrasound and if this is still the case then I will be scheduled for a c-section. (My OB said that they often try to turn the baby externally in a head down position however since I still have my Subchorionic Hemorrhage they aren't going to mess around with that.)
We have our cleaning lady lined up to come and clean our house this week and then I told her that we would notify her as we are heading to the hospital so that we can come home to a perfectly cleaned house. We also have a cleaning company lined up to come out within the next two weeks and clean the carpet. All in all we should be good to go!
Thanks as always for your continued prayers! We are now asking that baby is head down so that I don't have to have a c-section!
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