Well we had big fun plans today to go down to Belleville to look at some new fifth wheels, but we had a change of plans when I woke up unbelievably sore. My hips are killing me.....I even emailed my doctor to see what I should take for the pain....not sure when/if she will get my message. So instead we are having a very LAZY day. Owen spent the good part of the morning into afternoon helping Kris build an engine stand while Wyatt and I napped. Owen came inside and wanted a show on....so I turned on the TV for him and moments later this is how we found him. He is still passed out now in the same position- I did cover him with a blanket though so hopefully he is a little more comfortable.

Wyatt is a little sick boy, he has quite a cough and a runny nose. He woke up from his nap today looking like this (look at his nose and paci). He is still adorable.

We hope that we all feel better really soon and that it stops raining outside and that the sun will come to stay. We are all sick and tired of this blahness and just want a little sneak peak of summer. We can't wait for our camping trips this summer- we are going to have a blast! Our first trip (trial trip sans kids) is in about a month.....can't wait!
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