Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wyatt's burn
We stayed over at Kris' parents house the other night for a while after everyone else left. Owen and Wyatt were playing and we started reminiscing about how Owen used to get on the fireplace and jump off (which is literally a few inches at most from the floor). He would be so geeked about it and naturally we would all start cheering. So this year we asked Owen to teach Wyatt how to do it. Wyatt was catching on fast and doing his best. But one of the times he slid down to a sitting position and his back hit the vent of the fireplace. It was so sad and pitiful! Owen never has burned himself like this.....thankfully Kris' mom put some cream on it and a band aid....not much more we could do. It is healing up quite can still see the line where it scorched right through his skin....but it is looking good!

Thanksgiving Part II
We had such a nice Thanksgiving this year! We have so much to be thankful for and count our blessings each and every day!
We are enjoying our time together and are thankful for the four day weekend.....
Here is Wy, looking a little sleepy.
Checking to see if anyone is watching him....he was eating those cherries one by one throughout the day.
Me pinching the pierogis (the last station prior to being boiled)
Owen and Grandma Jane pinching (actually I think Owen was just stealing the cherries too!)
Helping to fill the pierogi
I'm pretty sure he has a couple cherries in his mouth in this picture.....
Kris doing.....well.....I'm not really sure!
Sorting out the ingredients waiting for the dough to be mixed.
Mimi helping all of the boys do their Thanksgiving project.
These picture on actually taken on Thanksgiving while we were at Kris' parents. I didn't know this was going on (a lot can be learned from seeing pictures....but apparently Wyatt was being fed whipped cream out of the can!) I'm pretty sure Owen got in on the action too!
We are enjoying our time together and are thankful for the four day weekend.....
Here is Wy, looking a little sleepy.

As expected not much was new at my appointment with my rheumatologist......
My doctor did her usual exam and said that I had several areas of synovitis. Thanks to wikipedia, synovitis for those of you who don't know is "the medical term for inflammation of the synovial membrane. This membrane lines joints which possess cavities, known as synovial joints. The condition is usually painful, particularly when the joint is moved. The joint usually swells due to synovial fluid collection. Synovitis may occur in association with arthritis as well as lupus, gout, and other conditions. Synovitis is more commonly found in rheumatoid arthritis than in other forms of arthritis, and can thus serve as a distinguishing factor, although it can present to a lesser degree in osteoarthritis. Long term occurrence of synovitis can result in degeneration of the joint."
Thus she upped my steroid dose again so that I could feel "good" for Thanksgiving and get through the busy weekend. I will start tapering down again on Monday.
We also will be stopping my Humira injections and I will start Enbrel injections early next week and try that for three months......if we are able to stop supplementing steroids at that time with no symptoms, we will consider the Enbrel to be doing its job......if I can't go off of the steroids due to increased swelling and pain then I have to move to the next category of treatment options which are infusions.
The doc is treating me for rheumatoid arthritis secondary to the vasculitis.
I'm praying that this new injection will work as the infusions are really strong and powerful....
My doctor did her usual exam and said that I had several areas of synovitis. Thanks to wikipedia, synovitis for those of you who don't know is "the medical term for inflammation of the synovial membrane. This membrane lines joints which possess cavities, known as synovial joints. The condition is usually painful, particularly when the joint is moved. The joint usually swells due to synovial fluid collection. Synovitis may occur in association with arthritis as well as lupus, gout, and other conditions. Synovitis is more commonly found in rheumatoid arthritis than in other forms of arthritis, and can thus serve as a distinguishing factor, although it can present to a lesser degree in osteoarthritis. Long term occurrence of synovitis can result in degeneration of the joint."
Thus she upped my steroid dose again so that I could feel "good" for Thanksgiving and get through the busy weekend. I will start tapering down again on Monday.
We also will be stopping my Humira injections and I will start Enbrel injections early next week and try that for three months......if we are able to stop supplementing steroids at that time with no symptoms, we will consider the Enbrel to be doing its job......if I can't go off of the steroids due to increased swelling and pain then I have to move to the next category of treatment options which are infusions.
The doc is treating me for rheumatoid arthritis secondary to the vasculitis.
I'm praying that this new injection will work as the infusions are really strong and powerful....
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Well the holiday traditions have begun. Last night we made our pierogi for our Polish Thanksgiving dinner.
Kris also stopped at that bakery in Dearborn again and brought us some fantastic desserts for after our dinner last night.

Kris also stopped at that bakery in Dearborn again and brought us some fantastic desserts for after our dinner last night.
And I saved the best for last......we made a few hundred pieorgi and will enjoy them on Friday night....I can't wait. We made potato and cheese, sauerkraut and cherry pierogi this year. They are going to be delicious.
We are heading to Kris' parents today for some traditional turkey and stuffing (it is going to be awesome!)
We hope you all have a beautiful Thanksgiving today! I'm thankful for my family and for our continued good health and all of our wonderful blessings.....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Check this cutie out
Costco had some bathrobes in the warehouse last week for Owen picked this one out. He is so cute about it and will only wear it after a bath. Today I took him shopping and he picked out these reindeer slippers that are also hand puppets. He made me buy a pair for Wyatt too. They both played for hours tonight wearing their new slippers. So cute!!
We woke up bright and early, went to church and then headed to downtown Brighton and went to Great Harvest for breakfast/lunch. Owen loves going there and getting a bagel with butter (but only a plain bagel). Today they only had ONE salt bagel Owen said he wanted to try it, and he did! He didn't really like it but he ate some of it without complaining.
Then we headed to our outdoor mall and walked around and shopped for a little while....Owen got tired so he and Wyatt shared the stroller (he really just sat on Wyatt but Wy man didn't complain at all about it)
Then we headed to our outdoor mall and walked around and shopped for a little while....Owen got tired so he and Wyatt shared the stroller (he really just sat on Wyatt but Wy man didn't complain at all about it)
Another great day was had today! We had a few more hours of just the three of us before Kris got home was a great weekend! I loved every minute of it!
And if anyone is wondering, Kris didn't catch/kill a deer....he is a little bummed but I think he missed the boys a lot and was just glad to come home!
We headed home late morning from Splash Village and stopped to have lunch at Fuddrucker's on our way home. The boys were starved from all of the activity from the day before and scarfed down their lunch.
When we got home we had a low key afternoon....Owen played, I unpacked and did laundry and picked up the house while Wyatt napped.
We left around 4:30pm to head to downtown Brighton for their annual Holiday Glow. Santa and Mrs. Clause come to Brighton where they obtain a key to the city for Christmas Eve night. Owen had a chance to talk to Santa but he decided against that idea. Wyatt was good hanging out in his stroller for the most part but did get a little restless waiting for Santa to arrive so we gave him a sucker to keep him busy.
After we saw Santa and Mrs. Clause and listened to the Cornerstone choir sing their Christmas music we walked down to Yum Yum Tree and had a super yummy dinner!
Another super fun filled day!
When we got home Wyatt went right to bed while Owen and I watched an I Spy DVD.
After that we headed to bed and I read to him and we both fell asleep in my bed! It was a great way to end a perfect day!
When we got home we had a low key afternoon....Owen played, I unpacked and did laundry and picked up the house while Wyatt napped.
We left around 4:30pm to head to downtown Brighton for their annual Holiday Glow. Santa and Mrs. Clause come to Brighton where they obtain a key to the city for Christmas Eve night. Owen had a chance to talk to Santa but he decided against that idea. Wyatt was good hanging out in his stroller for the most part but did get a little restless waiting for Santa to arrive so we gave him a sucker to keep him busy.
After we saw Santa and Mrs. Clause and listened to the Cornerstone choir sing their Christmas music we walked down to Yum Yum Tree and had a super yummy dinner!
Another super fun filled day!
When we got home Wyatt went right to bed while Owen and I watched an I Spy DVD.
After that we headed to bed and I read to him and we both fell asleep in my bed! It was a great way to end a perfect day!

Splash Village vs. Hunting....What would you pick?
We picked Splash Village! Kris went hunting this weekend and I ventured out with Owen and Wyatt and my nephews to Splash Village (with the help of my sister and parents). We got to the park around 1pm on Friday and left around 11am on Saturday morning. We had such a blast and so did the boys!
The look on Wyatt's face describes our weekend in a nutshell!
Me and my sweet baby boy.

The look on Wyatt's face describes our weekend in a nutshell!

Look at that huge smile! And he's swimming all alone.....
They had lilly pads for the kids to cross (some adults tried too) and Owen and Nathan really took to these....Owen had help while Nathan raced across all of them with no help!

They had lilly pads for the kids to cross (some adults tried too) and Owen and Nathan really took to these....Owen had help while Nathan raced across all of them with no help!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Anyone up for making wrapping paper?
Fluid shot
I took Wyatt to the doctor the other day for his 18 month visit. While there I asked if both boys could have a flu shot. Owen started freaking out the minute I mentioned it to the doctor. "mommy, I don't want a shot....Noooooo, please don't make me get a fluid shot!!"
I tried to explain to owen that this was a good thing and now that he is in school he should start getting flu shots every year, then I went on about how so many people he knows already got their flu shot for the year.
Needless to say he got one, screamed through the whole thing and took three people to hold him down. He wouldn't move his arm for a good two days after saying how bad it hurt.
Now he is telling everyone about his FLUID shot!! Gotta love him!
I tried to explain to owen that this was a good thing and now that he is in school he should start getting flu shots every year, then I went on about how so many people he knows already got their flu shot for the year.
Needless to say he got one, screamed through the whole thing and took three people to hold him down. He wouldn't move his arm for a good two days after saying how bad it hurt.
Now he is telling everyone about his FLUID shot!! Gotta love him!
Getting ready for Turkey Day!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
We have been trying to establish more of a praying routine at meal times, especially dinner. We feel that it is important to start at an early age. Now at dinner time when we say okay we are going to pray, Wy folds his hands together in the cutest little way!
Of course, Owen listens well too! He is a champ at praying.....
He learned a song at school that we now have to sing after praying. "God our Father, God our Father. Once again. Once Again. Thank you for our blessings, thank you for our blessings. Amen, amen."
It has become quite the tradition in our house!
He learned a song at school that we now have to sing after praying. "God our Father, God our Father. Once again. Once Again. Thank you for our blessings, thank you for our blessings. Amen, amen."
It has become quite the tradition in our house!
Wyatt 18 months
His stats:
Weight: 28.6lbs
Height: 35.5 inches
Owen at 18 months was :
Weight: 25lbs
Height: 33 inches
Kris at 18 months was:
Weight: 28.5lbs
Height: 36 inches
Hmmmm....seems like Wyatt is trending more like Kris....maybe Owen will be long and lean like Uncle Steve and Wy will be more like as Kris has been called "the incredible hulk."
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Owen working on his truck
Thursday, November 10, 2011
First snow
Here is what the front yard looks like now, I guess I lied when I said it wasn't sticking!! So pretty!
Here is what the front yard looks like now, I guess I lied when I said it wasn't sticking!! So pretty!
Today was our first snowfall of the season. It was really coming down for a little while but it was a wet snow so didn't turn into anything.
The boys are at Kris' moms today. I wish they were home to watch the first snowfall with me.
Oh well, there will be many more snowy days headed our's just a bummer because the first appearance of snow makes me so happy. So I think I am going to turn up the heat and light some candles and enjoy this snowy evening all by my lonesome!!
The boys are at Kris' moms today. I wish they were home to watch the first snowfall with me.
Oh well, there will be many more snowy days headed our's just a bummer because the first appearance of snow makes me so happy. So I think I am going to turn up the heat and light some candles and enjoy this snowy evening all by my lonesome!!
Owen doll
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Update on me
I hardly talk about my condition because I don't want to bore people. And sometimes I wonder if people ask how I feel because they really care or are they just being kind?? Usually I just say that I am good, which for the most part I have been. But I still hurt and wish that I had more answers than I do.
We aren't sure how long this auto immune disease will last. Vasculitis is a blood disorder that causes inflammation in your blood vessels. In some cases arthritic symptoms are associated which is what we can't really seem to control. We are managing them but I'm on a lot of medications. I have never been one to take meds unless I have to. Now my morning routine consists of 9 pills and once a week I have an injection medication and once a week I take another pill. Lots of meds when you are only 31 years old.
So I'm tapering down again on my steroids and am starting to feel it. My wrists and arms have been sore lately (i most notice it when I am doing stuff with the boys, lifting Wyatt or changing diapers, strapping the boys into their car seats, etc.)
When I was diagnosed I was told since there was no known cause that it would likely subside in a years time.....well I've been at this for a year and a half and things aren't getting any better....which likely means that from now on we will manage the symptoms while still testing and researching if there is anything else that could be causing this.
The nephrology team wants to do a biopsy as I have continually had small amounts of blood or protein in my urine. Thankfully at my last visit there wasn't anything so they were not forceful but still mentioned it.
So all in all that's the latest on me.....I have another appointment right before Thanksgiving and really am not expecting to learn anything different.
I just wish that I would wake up and be completely restored like I was a year and a half ago......God can do that I know....but I am still thankful for my many blessings so try not to complain about it too much! After all there are far worse things that could happen and for that I am grateful!
We aren't sure how long this auto immune disease will last. Vasculitis is a blood disorder that causes inflammation in your blood vessels. In some cases arthritic symptoms are associated which is what we can't really seem to control. We are managing them but I'm on a lot of medications. I have never been one to take meds unless I have to. Now my morning routine consists of 9 pills and once a week I have an injection medication and once a week I take another pill. Lots of meds when you are only 31 years old.
So I'm tapering down again on my steroids and am starting to feel it. My wrists and arms have been sore lately (i most notice it when I am doing stuff with the boys, lifting Wyatt or changing diapers, strapping the boys into their car seats, etc.)
When I was diagnosed I was told since there was no known cause that it would likely subside in a years time.....well I've been at this for a year and a half and things aren't getting any better....which likely means that from now on we will manage the symptoms while still testing and researching if there is anything else that could be causing this.
The nephrology team wants to do a biopsy as I have continually had small amounts of blood or protein in my urine. Thankfully at my last visit there wasn't anything so they were not forceful but still mentioned it.
So all in all that's the latest on me.....I have another appointment right before Thanksgiving and really am not expecting to learn anything different.
I just wish that I would wake up and be completely restored like I was a year and a half ago......God can do that I know....but I am still thankful for my many blessings so try not to complain about it too much! After all there are far worse things that could happen and for that I am grateful!
I love to blog....I don't really blog for anyone other than myself. I honestly don't think many people read my blog and I doubt I have anyone who stalks my blog (I'll admit that I blog stalk other people!)
Blogging for me is my way to write down what my kids do on a daily basis. I don't scrapbook and will never do it, I have friends who do it and have about 50 different huge books that they bring out that weigh 20 lbs each. Don't get me wrong, they are really cool and definitely hold many memories, but I don't have the patience for scrap booking, it just isn't my cup of tea!
I would rather take my boys to the doctor and come home with the stack of papers, sit down at my computer, create a post with their stats and throw out the packet of papers that I know I will never read anyway....after all that's what Dr. Google is for!
Some people make fun of me for blogging, but I don't care! For me blogging is fun. Often times I have a hard time communicating what I want or need when I have a problem or am upset about something and writing has always helped me to relay my feelings to others. Silly? maybe but I have written my mom MANY letters over the years to express myself and we have an excellent relationship....she's my best friend!
So at the end of the day when the boys are in bed and the house is picked up, I sit down at my computer and blog away.....
My mom gave me an awesome birthday present this year....she had my blog made into a cool!! I love it and can't wait to share the books with the boys one day, for them to know what silly things they did (with pictures included!!)
If you do read my blog, thanks! I'd love to hear from you....even if you do blog stalk (I'm okay with that as long as you're not creepy)!
Blogging for me is my way to write down what my kids do on a daily basis. I don't scrapbook and will never do it, I have friends who do it and have about 50 different huge books that they bring out that weigh 20 lbs each. Don't get me wrong, they are really cool and definitely hold many memories, but I don't have the patience for scrap booking, it just isn't my cup of tea!
I would rather take my boys to the doctor and come home with the stack of papers, sit down at my computer, create a post with their stats and throw out the packet of papers that I know I will never read anyway....after all that's what Dr. Google is for!
Some people make fun of me for blogging, but I don't care! For me blogging is fun. Often times I have a hard time communicating what I want or need when I have a problem or am upset about something and writing has always helped me to relay my feelings to others. Silly? maybe but I have written my mom MANY letters over the years to express myself and we have an excellent relationship....she's my best friend!
So at the end of the day when the boys are in bed and the house is picked up, I sit down at my computer and blog away.....
My mom gave me an awesome birthday present this year....she had my blog made into a cool!! I love it and can't wait to share the books with the boys one day, for them to know what silly things they did (with pictures included!!)
If you do read my blog, thanks! I'd love to hear from you....even if you do blog stalk (I'm okay with that as long as you're not creepy)!
Kris oh Kris, what are you trying to do to me?
For those of you who really know me, I mean really know me, you know that sweets are my downfall. I could live on sweets all day long and be super happy!
Kris comes home last night with this huge box (seriously must have weighed 10lbs) of Mediterranean-French pastries from a bakery in Dearborn.
All I can say is yummy!!
Kris comes home last night with this huge box (seriously must have weighed 10lbs) of Mediterranean-French pastries from a bakery in Dearborn.

All I can say is yummy!!
And if you live close by give me a call, I'd be happy to share some with you!
Owen by the reindeer
Crazy? Maybe! But.....It was so gorgeous this past weekend that we decided to put up our Christmas decorations! I feel a little silly since we are the only people in our town to have any Christmas decor out but at the same time I am glad it is done and that we won't be out there in a foot of snow and freezing temperatures trying to get it done!
Anal? Definitely, I already have my Christmas cards printed, stamped and addressed!!
I am soooo ready for Christmas. I love this time of year.
Owen is getting so giddy too! Every time we hear a Christmas song on the radio he always says "listen mommy, Santa is talking to us."

I am soooo ready for Christmas. I love this time of year.
Owen is getting so giddy too! Every time we hear a Christmas song on the radio he always says "listen mommy, Santa is talking to us."
Wy man being destructive as usual
Owen was laughing and yelling for me to come and look at what Wyatt was doing.... so in I walk and here is what I find, Wyatt trying to climb into one of the smallest cubby holes in our entertainment center.
Getting in there a little further....
Completely in the cubby hole! Holy canoli this kid is determined!

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Blog Archive
- Wyatt's burn
- Thanksgiving Part II
- Update
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Check this cutie out
- Sunday
- Saturday
- Splash Village vs. Hunting....What would you pick?
- Anyone up for making wrapping paper?
- Fluid shot
- Getting ready for Turkey Day!
- Praying
- Wyatt 18 months
- Owen working on his truck
- First snow
- Owen doll
- Update on me
- Blogging
- Kris oh Kris, what are you trying to do to me?
- Owen by the reindeer
- Wy man being destructive as usual
- Boys will be boys....
About Me

- Young's
- Our blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with our family.