We had a nice weekend overall. Friday night my whole entire family went out and surprised my mom with a nice dinner. She had her port removed on Friday morning. After a long scary battle of metastatic breast cancer that spread from her breast to her lung to her brain twice, we celebrated her victory on Friday. She is truly an amazing woman and I love her for who she is and am so thankful she is my mom. She is a SURVIVOR and for that we are blessed and thankful! I know it meant so much to her to go out and celebrate.
We dressed up the boys to go out to the restaurant but as you can see Owen wasn't feeling all that great. He started complaining Friday morning of a sore throat.

And he has a horrible cough......

But he mustered up the energy to smile so we could capture this picture.

Me and Wyatt.

Wyatt and me.

Wy and Kris

Here are my boys, giving me nice smiles....all dressed up and ready to go out for a night on the town.

Owen...who would have known that you weren't feeling well?!

What a charmer this boy is!

Until he starts climbing on the counter top. If you notice in his hand is a brownie that he snatched from the plate on the stove.

Trying to back off of the counter top with the brownie in his hand.

Grammy and the boys made pupcakes on Thursday. They were so good. Wy loved them as you can tell by this picture. Eewww, gross!

Saying Cheese with a Doritos and cupcake mess on his face.


Last night Owen progressively got worse and was screaming and crying in pain. He was saying that his ear hurt. He came downstairs around midnight just sobbing about how bad he hurt. I knew I had to take him in. Thankfully I was able to calm him down and get some more medication into him to reduce his fever and get him back to sleep. But first thing this morning we headed to the doc. He has a nasty ear infection.
So Kris set him up a cool fort and turned on the vaporizer. Owen has spent the most of the day in his fort watching Nick Jr. After we picked up his prescription from the pharmacy I took him to the video store and let him pick out some movies.

We had a nice weekend just hanging out together. We wish that Owen felt better and we pray that Wyatt, Kris and I don't get it. The doc said it was contagious.

So all in all it was a weekend spent celebrating good health for my mom and taking care of my sick boy. And by the way he is so sweet when he doesn't feel well and may be even more polite when he is sick. Even the doctor mentioned how polite he was!!
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