My boy is FIVE! And he is enjoying every second of it! We had a fantastic birthday celebration and combined it with Father's Day. His theme this year was Batman and everyone did a great job of sticking with the theme.
Here is his super cool batman cave cake. It tasted as good as it looks!
He was so excited about his cake, in case you can't tell....
His first run down the slip'n'slide. We were a bit hesitant because the day started off very overcast and a bit stormy. It poured rain, but by the time all of his guests arrived it was beautiful and sunny and very hot. Perfect for a day on the slip'n'slide.
Uncle Jimmy and Owen going down together.
Uncle Jimmy with Nathan and cousin Scott with Owen.
I think Scott and Owen won!
Uncle Jimmy and Owen.
Uncle Jimmy with his boys, Nick and Nathan.
The beast!
A cool batman shirt from EE and Mr. Craig.
Owen and Wyatt going down the slip'n'slide together.
Wyatt was so sick. He had a fever and was just so pitiful. I actually took him into the after hours clinic on Sunday morning to make sure he didn't have an ear infection or strep throat. He checked out okay so we just held him and tried to make him comfortable. He was grumpy too!

Owen's batman hat for the winter.
Wyatt giving me an emphatic "NO"
I love this picture. All of the boys are surrounded by this chuggington set from Aunt Julie. I love how the older boys are looking at the set.
And apparently I don't give Wyatt enough to drink.....
Owen and daddy.
Aunt Julie hardly makes it in any pictures so I had to include her in one of mine. I realize I didn't take any pictures of my parents either so I'm hoping when Julie sends me over her pictures I will be able to post some more with nana and papa.
This is Owen on his actual birthday. I love you buddy!
Love his look in this picture while we are singing Happy Birthday to him.
Grammy and Grampy got all decked out for the party. We were sorry that GG couldn't make it, she fell down the stairs on Sunday morning and broke her leg. We sure missed her!
And lastly proof that I went down the slip'n'slide. I'm not going to lie, it was a little painful....but really fun!!
Last night we headed over to see GG and took a cake over so that we could enjoy Owen's actual birthday with Kris' family.
Thanks to all who came to his party and for the amazing and generous gifts. Owen is blessed beyond belief.