Yesterday was Owen's last day of Vacation Bible School at our church. He had a great time despite the look on his face....he was upset that I wanted a picture of him. Thus he wouldn't smile for me. But I got the picture and think that VBS will be a yearly tradition for him and eventually Wyatt.
Tonight we headed to a local balloon fest. We went last year with good friends and had such a great time. Here are me and Owen waiting for the balloons to launch (and the balloons behind us are not them)
Our family at the balloon launch. Surprisingly we are all looking....but not all smiling...I guess I'll take what I can.
Finally the balloons were starting to go up, up and away. Owen was psyched at this point. He kept yelling "mommy, come here. Look at this one. Check out that one! Mommy there is one that has Mario on it. Etc, etc, etc" I love how excited he was!
Giving me a huge smile as the balloons are going up behind him.
I just happened to catch this out of the corner of my eye and thankfully was able to capture it on camera. They just hugged....for no reason. And then after the hug Wyatt gave Owen a kiss. Kris and I are so blessed with two loving, kind hearted brothers.
It is such a cool experience to watch all of the balloons take off. This will definitely be a tradition for us!
I'm not sure what our plans are for tomorrow. Hopefully nothing....just some nice quality family time. That's the best!
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