Sunday, August 26, 2012

Owen's first race....Down and Dirty!

Aunt Julie signed Owen up for his very first Adventure Race. It was a 100 meter sprint with some obstacles and a mud pit for the grand finale.  He was so excited for his first race.

Here are Wy and Kris hanging out.

 This is before Owen's race. Aunt Julie had already completed her 5k prior to this picture.

 Wyatt was so hesitant to give Aunt Julie a hug....but he finally just backed his way into her and let her give him a big kiss.

 Owen didn't really like the mud pit at the end of the race. If you look closely you can see the pitiful look on his face.

 But after a little pep talk he was good to go.

 Love this picture!

 He would not put his butt down any lower. He was so afraid he was going to ruin his shirt!!

 After the race....beautiful picture!

Giving a #1 for Owen's first race.

 He didn't really know what to do with himself. He hates being dirty so he just sort of hung out like this for a minute until he followed aunt Julie to the spray off area.

 Helping to hose her off. There was mud EVERYWHERE. Yuck!

 He really wanted to climb the rock we let him and he did great. He was a little more than half way up before he got spooked. Then he started to panic because he didn't know how to get down. He finally ended up jumping down into Kris' arms.

 Wow Owen, way to go!!

 Owen and NJ2 at their first race. What a fun and messy memory it will be!

I have a super busy looking forward to the long Labor Day weekend!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

iPad blogging

Kris bought me an iPad a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to figure out how to blog on it or upload pictures to be able to post them on here. Kris found an app that should work well. Here's to blogging on my new iPad!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The day Owen was bit by a VOLE!

 Well it is weird and random and crazy to write that today Owen was bit by a vole. A vole, per wikipedia, "is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, smaller ears and eyes......"

I got a call from Kris' mom this morning saying that she was in the bathroom with Wyatt and Owen went out in the backyard and was bit by a vole.....and that it punctured the skin and was bleeding a little bit. She asked me to call our pediatrician to see what to do. I called Owen's doctor who said that we should just monitor it however to call the Department of Community Health to be on the safe side. When I called the Department of Community Health and spoke to the CDC nurse, she said that she recommended to start on an antibiotic right away. Being totally confused by the differing of opinions we decided to ask my aunt her thoughts. She works for the health department in a different county.......she asked her medical director who agreed with the advice of the pediatrician, to leave it well enough alone and to keep a close eye on the site.

Kris' mom did kill the vole just in case it needed to be tested for anything. So when Owen got home today I went online and had him show me exactly what the culprit looked like and he picked out this sketch. Bad vole!!!

 Here is Owen's finger all bandaged and cleaned up. We have to monitor it and clean it 2x per day and make sure there are no signs of infection.
Never a dull moment......and I guess it is possible to get bit by a vole! Proof is above!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another fun trip...

We had another fun weekend last weekend. We headed up to my aunt and uncle's lake house and had a little family reunion. The first three pictures are Owen's photography before we left the house last Friday.

Wyatt saying "cheese"
 A picture of our camper....
 And a picture of me...thanks Owen! I'm hardly in any pictures.
 And of course I had to snap a picture of him because he is just so stink'n cute!
 Playing at the campground.
 They have a little catch and release pond so Kris took the boys over there when we got there on Friday. Kris caught a fish right away. He let Owen hold it....Wy was a little hesitant.
 Nice sized blue gill...
 And Kris found a crayfish at the lake house....Owen was so interested in it. Eeew! Gross!
 Posing on the dock.
 Wy man looking handsome as usual.
 Wy and Papa.
 My parents with Wyatt.
 My mom playing cards with Owen.
 And Owen caught his VERY OWN fish for the FIRST TIME on his FIRST CAST of the day. He was so proud of himself. My uncle showed Owen how to cut all of the meat out of it....not a very pleasant site, but surprisingly Owen didn't seem to all!
 And finally, closing out the night with some sky lanterns.
 How fun it was to watch them go up, up and away!

 Wyatt waving "bye bye" to the sky lanterns.
Our camping season is winding down and it will be such a bummer to put the camper in storage for the winter. But we have certainly enjoyed all of our trips so far and are looking forward to the handful we have left.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Just the four of us!

We had our first family trip of the year this past weekend with just the four of us. It was so nice just to be alone for a change. Don't get me wrong, we love all of our friends and family...but sometimes some alone time is good. We ventured to a KOA Fun Park and fun is what the boys had. This particular park was in need of a lot of TLC but in time I think that it will be a nice place to frequent.

Our few days were spent on this huge inflatable slide. I went on it a few was FUN!
 Playing on this HUGE play structure.
 Wyatt was not scared of anything.
 Climbing away....
 Enjoying some bounce house fun...wyatt loved it too!
 And bowling was pretty spectacular too!
 Kris even showed Wyatt how to bowl. But Wyatt would rather run down the lane and kick the pins over instead.
 And we dipped our feet in the pool....the boys ended up going swimming but the water was a tad too chilly for me.
 Owen posing for me!
 Kris got me an IPad last week so we both had them in the camper. Owen and Wyatt sat down on the picnic table and just played games....for about an hour. We have educational games on there and it was so fun to watch Owen get all of the answers right, and watch Wyatt just touch the screen (not really aware of what he was doing). And he has to be playing what Owen is playing. Such a bond they have!
 And lastly proof that I was on this trip!
Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Busy , busy, busy!

Busy is just what I've been lately. I've wanted to blog so many different times but life caught up with me on each I figured I would just try to get in a quick post tonight. I've been working WAY too much, I even went into the office for two full days this week to train a new lady. I honestly don't know how working moms do it. I mean I was a working mom out of the home this week for two days and I was exhausted and grumpy to say the least. Up at six for a shower, out of the house by seven, to the office by eight and worked for eight hours. Another hour drive home put me home at five and I had about enough. I didn't want to do anything other than go to bed. So props to all you working mommy's out there. I feel your pain, literally! And being a working mommy gave me a glimpse of how it would be working in the office and a greater appreciation for the ability to be able to work from home. I am so blessed! And even though I know I am an anal, crazy, workaholic and perfectionist, who constantly fights with myself about not do check my computer when I literally just checked it five minutes before, and five minutes before that, I realize that I would have it no other way! Not when it comes to the flexibility of being able to work when I want and also being able to stay home with my boys.

Kris is down to his last week at home. I have mixed emotions about that. Firstly, sad! So sad because I won't get to spend 24 hours with my best friend anymore. We had a good summer, we did....I wish I hadn't had to work so much but I'm at least thankful that he was the one hanging out with the boys. And secondly, a little giddy!   Let's face it, I. NEED. MY. HOUSE. BACK.  I need to get a good routine going again with me and O and Wy. And it will just be good for all of us. But again I wouldn't trade his career for anything in the world. Him having the summers off and a few other weeks off during the year is AMAZING. We are blessed! So blessed!

Kris' mom took the boys on Thursday. I worked but Kris and I managed to have a nice lunch together :) As always she did a few projects with them. One of the projects was a spin art activity. The boys LOVED it! So Friday when I was unpacking their stuff Kris handed me a zip lock bag of their spin art masterpieces. They were beautiful if I do say so myself! Keeping them in the baggie wasn't doing them any I took down a few frames from the hallway and created my own project with the boys yesterday. I think they turned out pretty great. Even Kris said "wow, that was a pretty cool idea...they look great." as he walked by and saw them hanging on the wall.

So we have been busy...trying to get in as much family time as possible before Kris heads back to work and Owen starts his first year of kindergarten. I will be so thankful to have daily naps with Wy Wy while O is gone. I need them!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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