Saturday, August 11, 2012

Busy , busy, busy!

Busy is just what I've been lately. I've wanted to blog so many different times but life caught up with me on each I figured I would just try to get in a quick post tonight. I've been working WAY too much, I even went into the office for two full days this week to train a new lady. I honestly don't know how working moms do it. I mean I was a working mom out of the home this week for two days and I was exhausted and grumpy to say the least. Up at six for a shower, out of the house by seven, to the office by eight and worked for eight hours. Another hour drive home put me home at five and I had about enough. I didn't want to do anything other than go to bed. So props to all you working mommy's out there. I feel your pain, literally! And being a working mommy gave me a glimpse of how it would be working in the office and a greater appreciation for the ability to be able to work from home. I am so blessed! And even though I know I am an anal, crazy, workaholic and perfectionist, who constantly fights with myself about not do check my computer when I literally just checked it five minutes before, and five minutes before that, I realize that I would have it no other way! Not when it comes to the flexibility of being able to work when I want and also being able to stay home with my boys.

Kris is down to his last week at home. I have mixed emotions about that. Firstly, sad! So sad because I won't get to spend 24 hours with my best friend anymore. We had a good summer, we did....I wish I hadn't had to work so much but I'm at least thankful that he was the one hanging out with the boys. And secondly, a little giddy!   Let's face it, I. NEED. MY. HOUSE. BACK.  I need to get a good routine going again with me and O and Wy. And it will just be good for all of us. But again I wouldn't trade his career for anything in the world. Him having the summers off and a few other weeks off during the year is AMAZING. We are blessed! So blessed!

Kris' mom took the boys on Thursday. I worked but Kris and I managed to have a nice lunch together :) As always she did a few projects with them. One of the projects was a spin art activity. The boys LOVED it! So Friday when I was unpacking their stuff Kris handed me a zip lock bag of their spin art masterpieces. They were beautiful if I do say so myself! Keeping them in the baggie wasn't doing them any I took down a few frames from the hallway and created my own project with the boys yesterday. I think they turned out pretty great. Even Kris said "wow, that was a pretty cool idea...they look great." as he walked by and saw them hanging on the wall.

So we have been busy...trying to get in as much family time as possible before Kris heads back to work and Owen starts his first year of kindergarten. I will be so thankful to have daily naps with Wy Wy while O is gone. I need them!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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