We celebrate Christmas from kris and I by taking the boys on a fun trip. This year we went to a waterpark. So the boys did not get any gifts from us but they did manage to get a few from Santa! And he was good to them!
Here is my boy, bright and early.....love him!

And my other boy....love him too!

And both of them. They were soooo sweet to each other Christmas morning! It made for a very relaxed day!

Santa brought the boys a basketball hoop. We were lucky enough to have such mild weather on Christmas (boo to no snow) that kris and Owen got to try it out.

We are looking forward to using our new hoop for many, many years.....

And slowly but surely we are replacing all of our original 1994 light fixtures. Kris got me a new light fixture for our entryway.


Much better....now just need my hardwood floors.....soon enough!

And finally at Grammys.....and nicer pics. Man I really need to stop using my cell or at least upgrade to a newer phone with a better camera.
Such handsome boys!

Their eyes get me all the time!

Ms. Kyle made us each scarves. What a very through true gift. We all love them.

Owen's favorite color is gold. She came through for him.

Here they all are hanging up.....love them!!!

This pile is just from Grammys house....yikes!!!!! Spoiled boys!

Here's wishing you a very happy new year to you all.
Thanks for stopping by!
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