Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Owen at the Chiropractor

Owen has been seeing Dr. Jen, our family Chiropractor for a couple of weeks now. He is finally getting the hang of things and is not crying when she tries to adjust him. Here are a few pics of Owen on Dr. Jen's table. He did so great today and was so cooperative! Dr. Jen in the background. Owen is so serious about his adjustment.

In the picture below, Dr. Jen is about to put Owen in the pretzel position for an adjustment.
As you can see from the above, he is quite the natural at chiropractic care.........hopefully we will notice a lot of results and he will experience the overall wellness it offers and provides.

1 comment:

  1. That cracks me up! Especially remembering when he went with me for my adjustment and cried the whole time!



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