But thankfully when Wyatt did give the pool a try I snapped a cute picture of he and his daddy!
Does this picture really need a description? I don't think so. Owen continues to be our adorable little stinker.....so sweet and innocent and yet can be so evil at the same time. Tonight we had an issue with him in the arcade....he didn't want to turn in his tickets for a prize...he wanted to KEEP all of the tickets that he had won! So Kris basically ended up dragging him out of the arcade while Owen was kicking and screaming and throwing a tantrum. Hopefully tomorrow morning we can go back down to the arcade and he will FINALLY pick out a prize! So after all of that drama tonight, we come back up to the room and with the sweetest look on his face Owen asks me "is this apartment our new home?" As you can see we don't get out much and at that Owen is used to traveling with the fifth wheel, not staying at hotels.....it was very sweet!!
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