After about two weeks of just feeling pretty miserable with a constant care sickness feeling and a slight headache and continued swelling and discomfort in my fingers, hands, wrists and hips I finally decided to email my doctor. She responded right away and was quite concerned since I have been on high doses of steroids which usually makes all of my symptoms disappear and makes me feel like I'm on top of the world......but this go around I have no energy and just continue to feel really crummy! She set up an appointment for me on Thursday.
The appointment went okay- the doctors still appear to be a little flustered about me. The swelling is obvious so I'm thankful they are able to physically see it so they just don't think I am crazy.
I will start a new injection medication called Anakinra, it is a daily injection. I was supposed to have started it already however it is a specialized pharmacy medication so it has to be mail ordered. It should arrive on Tuesday as there were some initial problems with the script and getting a hold of my doctor's office.
I will still be on the methotrexate injection as we shall see how that goes. I just did another injection on Thursday night and so far I still have most of the swelling in my fingers of my left hand and overall soreness in both hands/wrists/arms.
My inner hips have also been sore lately, so they are going to do a follow up CT scan next Friday to check my hip function and also to check on that spot that was suspicious for lymphoma that was previously found on the CT/PET scan from December. They just want to be sure that they aren't overlooking anything.
Also- at my appointment was the first time that I have heard this, but my doctors said that what I have most closely resembles Adult Stills Disease, I just don't have every symptom.....there was also talk of inflammatory bowel disease being the underlying condition since my biopsy results from my colonoscopy weren't completely definitive.
I gave more blood at this visit and I guess at this time it is just a waiting game to see if this new injection will work.....if it doesn't work then they will switch the second injection to Humira, but Anakinra is supposed to be a quicker acting injection so we wanted to see if I would experience relief from that one prior to starting another injection that I won't notice visible results soon.
All in all, I have been trying to stay positive despite the fact that I feel completely run down and it hurts to lift/hold my sweet baby or really do anything with my hands such as strap Wyatt into his car seat, buckle Owen in to the car, turn the car on, do laundry (those buttons on the washing machine and dryer are a pain). You don't realize how many things affect your hands/fingers. And unfortunately for me with two little kids I find out exactly how many things there are on an hourly basis several time throughout the day.
Positive NOTE- I find that when I take a very hot shower that I can move/bend my fingers on my left hand. I just kind of try to make a fist and really get the range of motion back, and it feels great that I can move my Kris filled up the hot tub last night and hopefully that will help with at least making me feel better for a half hour or so every night. I'm super excited!
Have a great day and a happy weekend......I will be posting a picture soon of Wyatt man....he is 10 months! And walking so well! Practically running!
Kris took the boys to Canton yesterday to spend the day with his mom. Kris said that they were about 3 minutes away from his parents house when out of the blue Owen said:
"FACT- we are almost to grammy and grampy's house."
I don't know where this kid comes up with this stuff, but he surely is our little entertainer and we love both him and Wyatt to pieces!
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- our diet...4 days down 38 days to go
- i must be bored.......
- another update
- My first Anakinra far so good!
- My haven
- Wyatt 10 months...a better picture!
- Wyatt is 10 months!
- My mom is a celebrity!!
- Update from feeling well, BLAH!
- Happy St. Patrick's Day...Early!
- Really?
- Fun in the sun! Well, fun in the water at least!
- Fun at the arcade!
- Frankenmuth 2011- Part #1
- Nights like these I love my job
- Pine Car Derby 2011
- Wyatt loves the dishwasher!
- An afternoon at GG's
- Me and my boys.....
- Another appt
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- Young's
- Our blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with our family.
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