He was super sleepy and cuddled up with his new friend.......

Here is Owen enjoying the Thomas ride-on toy that Grammy and Grandpee got for Wyatt.

Who does he look like? I'm not really sure.....but he is super cute!

Here is me with my baby! He kept walking over to me and would cry until I would pick him up. Love that boy!

My boy eating his cake!

Trying to get his daddy all messy too!

Mommy and Daddy with our sweet boy!

Such a big boy!

We had such a blast celebrating his first birthday.....the weather mostly cooperated, it didn't start storming until the end of his party!
Wyatt and Owen both slept like charms and are recuperated and refreshed this morning.
In just over a month we will celebrate again for Owen's fourth birthday.....my boys are getting SO big!
happy 1st birthday wyatt!!! what a special time :) LOVE all the pictures jill, looks like it was an amazing day!!! :) where did that year go?! it is so true, once kids come along time really does fly!