Unfortunately our cleaning girl had emergency surgery so she wasn't able to come for our scheduled cleaning. And of course the house was just getting nasty! I mean really nasty! So since I've been feeling well going on 3 or 4 days in a row now I decided to get off my butt and start some mad cleaning! I LOVE cleaning! LOVE IT! But when your hands and fingers and wrists are all swollen and sore it doesn't make it quite as much fun.....so since my swelling has been very limited and I feel good I decided to give it a go. Windows- check....dusting- check....vacuuming- check....decluttering- check.....mopping (i ran out of steam by the time I got around to even think about mopping.)

I know my desk still looks a tad bit messy- but hey, I was in the middle of doing some work!

Notice the picture over the fire place, it is soon going to be updated. Our photo shoot that I won is scheduled for a few weeks from now and I can't wait to put our new family portrait on the mantel. I'm getting a canvas portrait of our family....super excited!

I told Kris tonight that I really don't know what my problem is but I am a completely different person when my house is clean. I feel happy and motivated. I'm already sad to think about tomorrow morning when all the toys come flying out of the baskets and all my efforts will become a distant memory....Oh well....i love my boys more then a clean house!
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