In three weeks I will be taking Owen to his first day of preschool....I'm not really sure how I feel. Owen and I are buds. We hardly ever spend any time apart and we bicker and laugh and tease and pick on daddy....he is just a good boy. A great brother to Wyatt and a perfect son to me and Kris.
I will be sad but also so happy for him knowing that he will be socializing with kids his own age. After all I must say that I get pretty boring fast and Wyatt too....he needs kids his own age. I can't wait to see all of the friends he will meet. I can't wait to watch him come home with birthday party invitations from all of the other kids in his class. I can't wait for him mature into a little man instead of a sweet little innocent boy like he is now. I can't wait for all of these things to happen to him, yet at the same time I never want him to really "grow" up. I want him to stay my sweet, innocent little boy forever. I want him to be my buddy forever. I want him to want to do things with his mommy forever!
We picked out his backpack the other day. A CARS backpack with a CARS lunch box attached. Appropriate for him. He will love it, he will do great! I on the other hand need to learn how to adjust that my boy is 4 and ready for preschool.
Kris and I picked a nice Christian school for him. We are hoping we will be happy there and keep him at the school through 8th grade. (there has been talk about making in k-12 so we will see if this will happen)
I will obviously post again once his first day comes and take pictures of him but for now I just wanted to get these things off of my chest and on paper.
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