I'm bummed to even write this post. I was hoping that I was trending in the right direction in regards to my medication. I was feeling really good for a while. Had almost my full range of motion back and was running once a day, sometimes twice! But something happened in July that made be regress in my progress. I'm not sure if it was my tapering of steroids.....or what...but either way things have been more of the same lately.
I saw my Rheumatologist today who is still pretty stumped. We know that my "label" or diagnosis right now is Urticarial Vasculits (which don't attempt to Dr. Google it because there is NOTHING about it anywhere online.) But the arthritis is what is throwing her for a loop. And the way I flare up and how it affects me is just a big "WHY"!
She will be testing me again for everything (hopefully) but she said even if I do get a positive blood test it won't matter because she will still be treating my symptoms. Right now I am being treated for vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. SO....... on to more medications.
She increased my steroids from 2mg to 20mg....it is medrol so it is a higher dose than prednisone (apparently). I will start taking my Humira injections once a week instead of once every two weeks. I will likely start back on Methotrexate injections. I'm still on plaquenil. And the newest medication besides vitamins and all the other supplements will be Fosamax. This will help to harden my bones since the steroids are just thinning out my bones each day.
We also discussed me becoming pregnant down the road. Though she said that it is not TOTALLY out of the question. I will have to talk to a high risk OB before trying, to discuss my current situation and medications.
I SO badly wanted to try for a GIRL......but at the end of the day I have to remember that God is putting this auto-immune disorder/disease in my life for a reason.....I just need to figure out why. And I also have to remember that God is Good all of the time, All of the time God is Good!
I will follow-up with my rheum again in a month as wooo-hoooo I am a high complexity case!! Doesn't get much better than this!!
Thanks as always for your prayers and please pray for comfort and energy for me as Kris goes back to work next week.
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