Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Halloween #1

We have at least five different Halloween events this year so this is the first of my posts. We wanted to do a Halloween weekend at a campground. Last year we went to Port Huron and had SO much fun. I tried several campgrounds and they were all booked. Thankfully I found this campground, the KOA in Holly. It was FREEZING cold and the wind was out of control, but we mustered up some energy to make the best of our weekend.

This is our newest family picture! Love my family! So blessed........

Here is O as Batman.....he was a very good Batman and he LOVES his costume! He kept saying that he was going to sit on the skeleton head and go "bah ha ha" in a scary voice and scare all of the other kids, so I thought it was appropriate to snap this picture of him.

Kris with his boys.....Wy was in the middle of a freak out because he HATED his Robin mask. We tried for a picture with it on but this is the best we could get so we decided to leave the mask off of our sweet boy.Me and my 'em!

We emptied out their bags after trick'or'treating. Here they are enjoying their candy.

Here are the two of them. They really do get along so super duper well! Sorry for the blurry picture. My hands are very shaky so this is the best I could do. We went to the activities center for a costume contest. The categories were funniest, scariest, cutest and most creative. Our group took two wins! Yay! Wy man won for cutest. And our friends James and Connie and their boys Landon and Carter won for funniest as Mario, Wario and Luigi. We had a great time! The campground staff wanted a group picture with all of the winners for their Facebook site.....funny how O just kind of slid right on in the picture with the rest of the winners. I didn't have the heart to tell him to get out of the picture. He is a winner to me!!

We can't wait for our next party next weekend at my sisters house. Then we go to Glennie for a Halloween weekend and on to the Village with Georgia, all before trick'or'treating at home on Halloween night. Good times!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! To cute and you guys were right around the corner from our house. (well 10-15 min anyways, lol) How is it you always look so beautiful camping and I look like Cinderella? LOL. You know...the camper show is this week ;o)



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