Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

We enjoyed our night trick'or'treating around the neighborhood. The boys had so much fun. Kris did the first stretch with the boys and then I took them around for about another hour. Owen wanted to run the entire time, so run we did! I ran while pushing Wyatt in the stroller. Funny thing is that since our houses are so far apart we only made it about a quarter away around our sub. We had sooo much fun, just me and my boys!!

Here is Wyatt smiling about all of the candy that he got tonight. Everything Owen would open and start eating Wyatt would search his pile and hold up the same exact thing for Kris and myself to open for him. Such a smart boy! Here is Owen with his pile of candy......

Here is a spooky skeleton that we had displayed in our front yard. We received several compliments at how great our house was.

Here is the front porch area with our fog was very spooky!

Here are me with my boys before we headed out for the night!

And Kris with his boys....

Owen already said that he wants to do the WHOLE neighborhood next year. Not sure if we can make it around but we will definitely try.

Hope you all enjoyed your Halloween evening!

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