Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cookie Day 2011

We had our third annual cookie making day today. We were eager and very efficient and finished in almost no time at all......I'm sure Kris' mom was beat though as she had made all the dough this morning so we really just had to bake and decorate.

Here is Wyatt eating every Hershey Kiss he could get his hands on. If you look closely he actually has a wrapper hanging off of his upper lip. Silly boy! Look at my concentration while decorating! Wow!

Owen rolling some dough. Wy man partaking in some delicious cookies! He was only really interested in licking the frosting off of the cookie! Smart boy.....


We made about half of the cookies we made last year and it still seemed like a TON of cookies. I'm sure we will enjoy them for a while.

Traditions are fun! Every family should have their own. Cookie day will certainly be a tradition that we will look forward to for years to come! It prepares us for the Christmas season and reminds us what Christmas is all about!

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