I'm not proud of this fact and we probably could have used the help from an organizational expert. But I'm pleased to say that I tackled this project yesterday and moved all of these bags to the salvation army. It is a little bittersweet though.....probably half of the stuff was all baby related. Baby clothes, burp cloths, rattles, baby toys, changing pads, soft baby blankets....and the list goes on. It saddens me because I'm not sure if we will have anymore children, and I so desperately want to have a girl. Finally taking all of these bags to the salvation army, to be donated to much more needy families than our own, means no more baby talk for a while.
We have two adorable boys and I know I am blessed beyond belief....so this chapter has to close and we have to move on. In the coming years prayerfully I can have my health restored and we can start talking about having children again at that time, but for now I must be content with my family of four. A perfect family of four. A blessed family of four. Two boys that make me crazy insane and yet they are my boys! My boys who I love beyond belief. I am forever grateful and I thank God everyday for gifting them to me!

I must say Wyatt sure does look exactly like my cousin's youngest kid in this picture....a Campbell?? Maybe!
Kris set up three different train track sets today for them.....they were having a blast. When Owen first saw the basement all cleaned up this morning he said, "wow mom, this looks awesome! Good for you!" I can always count on Owen to lift my exhausted spirits and was relieved to know that my efforts were appreciated!

So now there is talk of painting and new carpet and a new drop ceiling......maybe even a new TV for Wii games......
You are inspiring :O) Now I have been slowly purging around here for a few months. Going to kick it up a few notches after the holidays. You are right....the picture of Wyatt sure does look like he could be one of mine. (or should I say Brian's) I'm thinking Campbell for sure. (because you know none of my kids look like me, lol) Miss you guys :o)