Owen was so excited for the Pine Car Derby race this year. He went online with Kris and searched for what kind of car he wanted and how he wanted it painted. He was really into it this year. And his hard work (and Kris') paid off! Owen came in first in his class out of about 20 kids.....very cool!!! Of course you don't start to win the trophies until you are in first grade so all of his competitors also received medals.

Here he is receiving his medal. Such a proud moment!

Me and O being goofy! Notice Owen showing off his #1 victory with his finger.

Just the two of us!

Love this kid!

Brothers....Wy was ecstatic to be there, he would not keep his hands off of all the cool cars. He's going to have fun making a car with Kris within the next few years.

One of the heats about to race the track. Owen's car is the police car.

Wy-man giving me a partial "cheese".

Owen's car....pretty snazzy, eh?

Uncle Jimmy and Nathan

My boys......love em!

It was a blast for sure! Can't wait for next year!!
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