Here are the other pictures that were taken yesterday at my parents house. My brother has a cool setting on his phone that only detects a certain color....thus he pulled out all of the yellow in this picture

Here is Wy hanging out under the table.

Wy and Kris

Papa and Wyatt

I love how focused Owen is during prayer time.

Momma and Wy

Owen amazed at something he got in his Easter basket.

Me and my hubby

Wyatt looking for some eggs.

Finding some eggs...

I think Wyatt really likes ring pops.

Here is another picture my brother took that pulled out all of the blue Wy was wearing.

Wyatt looking through the deck rails.

Me and my baby!

Owen trying to find more eggs in the backyard.

Hey he found one.

and another one.....

Owen looking at what is inside the egg.

Owen likes his ring pop too!

We always joke that this is the "death trap" that my parents have on display in their backyard. But it seems this year the death trap was actually used to hold some of the hidden eggs. Thankfully they know not to climb on this contraption.

Me and my you guys!

Wyatt following Owen around looking for some more eggs.

All four of the boys on the deck....I would love to know what was being looks like Wyatt is a bit skeptical of what is going down.

Here is another one of all four cute together! They all treat Wyatt so nicely most of the time.....

As you can tell by the pictures it was a perfect day for an Easter egg hunt. We had such a wonderful day....the boys are still eating candy today and playing with all of their new toys. We hope you had a lovely Easter as well.
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