We have an elementary school right across the street from our neighborhood so I've been taking the boys there when the weather has been nice. Today we had a perfect day for some playground fun. It was a tad breezy but all in all it was gorgeous.
Wyatt loves all of the playground equipment and can't decide what he wants play on.

An attempt of a nice picture of me and Wyatt....the stinker wouldn't look at the camera!

Me giving O an attack of the kisses.....he was laughing and trying to wipe them away....but he secretly knows that he can never escape my love for him! :)

Wyatt being terrified on the swing.

Me and O-Man.

Owen really loved the tire swing.

I would give him a big push, then run over to the huge slide next to him to make sure Wyatt was okay. I think I got my workout in for the day.

The boys loved this slide.....

Wyatt trying to lick his snot from his runny nose.

Owen giving me a smile.

Wyatt coming out of the tube slide.

Owen coming down a long curly slide.

Owen telling Wyatt that this slide was "safe" for him to go down....they went down together, it was cute!

Wyatt running away from us.....he was headed to the next playground area....this kid is fast!

Owen helping, I mean, pulling Wyatt off of the slide.

I'm so thankful for days like today.
Beautiful sunshine + Quality time spent with my boys = PURE LOVE
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