Monday, February 11, 2013

Back at it

We woke up again today with another day of no school. I guess wind gusts or something.... So anyway Owen was sleeping and sleeping and sleeping which isn't like him. Wy and I were downstairs when I heard him yelling for me. When I went in his room I knew he was sick again, he said the lumps in his throat hurt so bad. After confirming he had a fever I called the doctor to see if they could order some blood work. They said that was probably fine however they wanted to see him first. So off we went. His temp was 102.5 and he threw up in the waiting room. Strep was negative again and so the doc agreed to order labs as it was necessary to find out why he keeps getting the recurring fever and swollen lymph nodes in his neck.

I received a call back that his white count was elevated and that they are still waiting on his mono test.

I've been searching like a mad woman, trying to be a good mommy,and find out why my boy keeps getting sick. He has been sick approx every 22-24 days since Christmas with the same symptoms.

Amongst the frightening things that dr google throws in your face I think I found something that describes Owens symptoms to a t. Hoping to ask the doctor about it soon. Wish us luck!!! Kris and I so want him to be better!

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