Happy love day! It was a crazy day for me. Wyatt went to Grammy's for the day and I took Owen to school. He was a bit hesitant about going in and said that his stomach hurt. I encouraged him to go in and promised him that if he still felt yucky that all he would need to do was call me and I would go pick him up. I even did a bunch of errands in town so that I would be close to the school in the event I was needed. I got home about 12 and was just about to lay down when the principle called and said Owen wasn't feeling well. He had a valentines day party later in the afternoon so I asked him if he could stick it out. He said he could. I ended up heading back in to town since I wanted to be nearby in case i got another call. Everything turned out okay and he ended up staying the whole day. He was pretty clingy at his party but it was a nice clingy so I didn't mind.
Here is wy. Thanks Grammy for sending the picture. I love it. Look at those blue eyes!!

Wy's present. He isn't home yet but will open it before we eat.

Owen looking dapper as usual!

His present. He is sneaking around trying to open it before kris And wy get home.

Hope you all had a lovely day!!! I'm working tonight but I'm trying to make the best of it!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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