Friday, December 30, 2016

A pretty perfect night

We had a movie night tonight. Pizza and licorice were the menu items and it was pretty fantastic. The boys had showers and then put on their comfy new bathrobes from nana and were ready for the night. 

We watched the movie storks and it was pretty cute!
And this is how our night wrapped up. I know it won't be long before he doesn't want to cuddle anymore but I'll cherish every moment like this. I was soaking it all in tonight and was able to lay with Owen until he fell asleep too! If I don't post at all tomorrow I'll consider this to be a perfect way to close out 2016. 

Camp Barakel 2016

Our water damage to our house really set me behind this year and I'm trying to play catch up now to be sure all of these pictures make it in my 2016 blog book. 

Barakel didn't disappoint this year. The weather was amazing again!

The boys both did archery. Wyatt did really well. 

As did Owen. 
Thunder Express was a must for all of us. 

The craft store is also a must. 
Me and my boy. 
And lastly our family wheel barrel picture from 2016!

First day of school

I realized that I never posted first day of school pics of the boys. 
My big first grader

And my big fourth grader

Heading in to school. Love these two!!


Our sweet boy is having some issues blacking out. Then he did this to his eye. We think it was when he was diving in the pool. We've been to a few specialists who are trying to figure out what's going on with him. Hopefully very soon we will have answers and get him better!

What we've been up to

We have loved our time together over Christmas break. We've been very lazy and have enjoyed every minute of it!

We've read...

We've laid around...
We've napped....
And cuddled... A lot!

Love these boys beyond belief!

Christmas 2016

Here are the boys after they put together all the bags of goodies for their teachers. 

Christmas Eve with our new white tree. Love!

The boys got these crazy, cool, gigantic bean bag chairs. 
Christmas morning...roughly 6:30am. Wide awake and ready to go!
Owens light saber swords. 
What's Dino charger figure. 

They were very happy and content with all of their gifts this year. They got Legos, power ranger Dino chargers, light sabers, waffle iron, kids mixer set, books, s-bricks, and lot of other stuff!  So blessed!


Buddy visited the boys again this year. They looked for him every morning after they got out of bed. 

Till next year buddy! 

Kris' birthday

We were happy to be in the house for kris' birthday.....

Looking forward to spending many more birthdays with this guy!


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Our blog is a way to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with our family.