Monday, July 29, 2013

Owens summer party!

This past weekend we had a summer party for Owen's soon to be first grade class. We had 10 out of 15 classmates who came which I was super pleased with the turnout that we had! All of the kids are so good and well behaved and we are so blessed to have Owen at a Christian school.

Here it is a few days after the party. Unfortunately we had a cold front that came in and hindered us from using the slip n slide more than just one day. But kris and I will salvage what we have and use it again this summer....that's a promise!

Here is wy showing us his moves.

And Owen the looker!

Wy again, getting some speed.

Love the expressions.

And of course we opened up the hot tub to all the kids and they LOVED it. It was so fun watching them go down the slip and slide and then jump in the hot tub.....over and over and over again!!!

And we had a tee pee tent that we set up for the kids to eat lunch in there. Ideally I was intending to use it for shade for the kids and instead it turned out to be a huge blessing to use for the kids as a shelter when the wind and rain came.

Here is the candy bar that I made. This was a big hit. It is such a fun idea.

And the deck set up. We had a good hour to hour and a half of good weather before the first storm hit. So unfortunately all of my decor got soaking wet and ruined.

For lunch we had PB and J, applesauce, gold fish and pretzels.

All the kids had a great time. I was so happy with how everything turned out. It was truly perfect minus the little hiccup with the weather.
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wyatt, our funny boy

This is how we found Wy the other night....

We usually find him on the floor but have never found him like this.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fun project

I hit up our local Salvation Army and found some good stuff....

And I'm absolutely in love with anything that I can spray paint.



Another view and a better quality picture. Love it!!!

Or like this.....preparing ourself for the start of school. Really this contraption has endless possibilities...

Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!

Owen's first Cross Fit class

Owen went to his first cross fit class this week. He loved it. The class is supposed to be for kids ages 9-13 so he by far was the youngest member. But from what I saw and heard he kept up pretty well.

And of course wy wanted to partake too but he was way too little. Soon enough wy, soon enough!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A fun few days

We ventured to a new campground this week and weren't quite sure what to expect. When we checked in things seemed to be okay. They had these nice horses right as you entered the property. This little guy was just two weeks old. We had fun watching him try to keep up with the older horses.

There were a lot of horses. It was stinky but they were pretty to look at.

Then when we headed down the long road to the campground and pulled into our site we were right across from the pool. I was super happy we were so close until I realized it was surrounded by barbed wire. It was odd to say the least. I guess it used to have a diving board and nice patio furniture and no barbed wire, but over the years they took out all the outdoor furniture, removed the diving board and put up the barbed wire. I didn't know if I should be scared or thankful no one when try to "get" us as we were enjoying a nice swim.

The pool itself was nice....though I'm still not sure how I feel about the barbed wire.

Owen resting up after playing at the playground.

At the park hanging out.

And kris teaching all the boys how to skip stones.

We even took a tube ride on the Flat River and had a great time. Our tube was so cool and it was nice not to have to worry about the three boys floating away from us. And yes those are my legs....I wanted to prove I was there.

Owen man

The older boys checking out the view.

Wyatt man.

Nathan man

Looking for wish after our tube ride was over.

Kris in the river.

And we took the boys fishing, or rather kris did, I just watched and took a few pictures.

And today we went horseback riding. It was an hour long ride and it was nice and peaceful. My horse was named Pegasus.

Owen's was Jasmin and Nathan's was trixie.

The coolest part was being able to walk through the river

It was so cool. The boys loved the ride. We even got to trot a little while on the horses. Wyatt naturally didn't want anything to do with the horses so kris stayed back with him and they went fishing.

So although the campground was in desperate need of some tlc we made the best of our trip and enjoyed the amenities they offered.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Owen's bedroom makeover

Remember way back, earlier this year when we had our house painted? Well Owen chose orange as his accent color. I picked the gray for him. And he decided what wall he wanted orange...the wall behind his bed. I've had so many visions for what I wanted this space to look like and have finally come pretty close to being happy with it.

Here is the before.

And the after.

Another view...

He loves it so I'm psyched about that.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Magic eraser....before and afters

A few weeks ago I grabbed a magic eraser to clean something outside and while i was outside I wondered if it would clean off the siding. Lo and behold it worked amazingly. So well in fact that I cleaned all of the siding on the back of our house.

So the next time I went to the store I bought two big boxes of magic erasers with a vision in mind to clean the rest of the house. It takes forever but it truly is like magic.

Here is a before on the front porch.

And an after.

And the other side. It's like new!

Here is a spot that our sprinkler hits daily.

And the after. I was bummed it didn't remove all of the rust but it looks so much better.

This is on the side of the house. It was so nasty. Every time I mow I always hated seeing this.

But nothing a magic eraser couldn't fix.

And lastly this pot was white. We got it as a wedding gift.....over 9 years was super nasty. I tried the magic eraser on it and it looked so much better but there was so much rust and mildew build up on it that just wasn't coming I spray painted it this cool blue color. Now it's fun and vibrant!! I love it! I'm thinking about painting my windows but just don't know if I want to ruin the charm that they have right now.

Thanks for stopping by!


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