Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Day Out With Thomas.... 2010

Mee and Pee bought tickets to see Thomas the Train at Greenfield Village. We had such a blast! Below are just a few pictures that we took while there. Owen loved every minute of the day and especially enjoyed the train ride.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby Wyatt 36 weeks 4 days....

above is the newest photo of baby Wyatt at my 36 week 4 day ultrasound. You are looking at his face. Top to bottom is forehead, eye, nose, eye, mouth, cheeks, and chin. Then it looks like his hands are curled up near his face. He just looks perfect to us!

He is measuring 6 lbs 10 oz which is right on track for an above 8 lb baby just like Owen was.

The tech said that she couldn't find the hemorrhage however the doctor thinks it is likely still there however just almost impossible to find since he is so big now and has probably made it almost paper thin.

Also he is totally head down as of today so no talk or mention of a we just wait for this little boy to arrive in his own timing and God's of course!!

Prayers are still appreciated for us to have a normal, healthy, uncomplicated rest of the pregnancy and delivery. Three weeks to go!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Owen's new playhouse!

We or I should say Owen is truly blessed to have two older boy brother and sister-in-law are so giving and generous and we are truly thankful for everything that they have given Owen over the past few years. Owen is one lucky little boy with all of the goodies he gets from them. This is the newest addition to our collection! A little playhouse just for Owen! He loves it!

9 months.....36 weeks and 1 day!

WOW!!! I've entered my 9th and final month of pregnancy. It certainly seems surreal to me that I can say that!!

I feel very ready to have Wyatt, physically, mentally and emotionally speaking! My feet are literally aching 24 hours a day (my broken foot is starting to throb again after weeks of feeling relatively back to normal.) My back is aching. I can't sleep at night, in between bathroom runs I find that I just can't seem to get comfortable.

I have two doctors appointments this week. An ultrasound and then a follow up appointment with my OB on Friday. Last week I was told that baby Wyatt was transverse as of my last ultrasound and if this is still the case then I will be scheduled for a c-section. (My OB said that they often try to turn the baby externally in a head down position however since I still have my Subchorionic Hemorrhage they aren't going to mess around with that.)

We have our cleaning lady lined up to come and clean our house this week and then I told her that we would notify her as we are heading to the hospital so that we can come home to a perfectly cleaned house. We also have a cleaning company lined up to come out within the next two weeks and clean the carpet. All in all we should be good to go!

Thanks as always for your continued prayers! We are now asking that baby is head down so that I don't have to have a c-section!

Friday, April 2, 2010

My new car......before pictures of course!

After being spoiled rotten for years and years with the new cars, I am proud to say that this is my new/oldcar. I don't necessarily know why I am so excited about it, maybe it is because we will not have a car payment so we can enjoy more family quality time with one another and not have to worry about how we are going to make a $500 monthly lease payment. Or maybe it is because Kris is going to fix it up so nice for me and that it will truly be worth all the sweat and hard work. Or that I wanted some type of an SUV and didn't think we would be able to afford one. Honestly I believe it is a combination of all of the above. The truck is in pretty rough shape right now but I have 100% confidence in Kris that he will turn it into an AWESOME car for me, Owen and Wyatt. After all he wants only the best for us and that includes making sure we all stay safe.

A little history of our newest addition to the Young household.... I found this car last weekend on craigslist, like I mentioned above we had been pricing Explorer's and Mountaineer's out however didn't think we could afford one. So lo and behold this "beauty" grabbed me immediately (the price, rather) and I showed it to Kris right away, knowing that he could do wonders to this steel of a lifetime. Sure enough we called on the car and it was still available....we went to see it he same day and upon arriving to the location where the car was being stored we noticed that there were no tires, wheels, hood, radio, steering column, KEYS, and many more items including most of the aluminum. Needless to say at first look we were hesitant to say the least....but after realizing the potential and not judging a book by its cover, we decided to go for it!!!

Keep your eyes peeled for "after" pictures within the next few weeks/ August at the latest. So I'm saddened to say that I won't have a shiny brand new Lincoln to drive around after August, but I'm so excited about this new car and the sentimental value it already has to me.

Owen's bigger every day!

We decided to let Owen try out a booster seat today for a short 10 minute car ride. He must have asked at least 20 times where his other car seat was......we will try it again for a little bit tomorrow to see how he does with it and if we like it we will get one for him soon. I love his car seat right now and feel comforted knowing how secure he is in it, however he does meet all the criteria for a booster and it would be great not to have to switch his car seat over to Kris's truck whenever we drive daddy's truck!


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