Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

We enjoyed our night trick'or'treating around the neighborhood. The boys had so much fun. Kris did the first stretch with the boys and then I took them around for about another hour. Owen wanted to run the entire time, so run we did! I ran while pushing Wyatt in the stroller. Funny thing is that since our houses are so far apart we only made it about a quarter away around our sub. We had sooo much fun, just me and my boys!!

Here is Wyatt smiling about all of the candy that he got tonight. Everything Owen would open and start eating Wyatt would search his pile and hold up the same exact thing for Kris and myself to open for him. Such a smart boy! Here is Owen with his pile of candy......

Here is a spooky skeleton that we had displayed in our front yard. We received several compliments at how great our house was.

Here is the front porch area with our fog was very spooky!

Here are me with my boys before we headed out for the night!

And Kris with his boys....

Owen already said that he wants to do the WHOLE neighborhood next year. Not sure if we can make it around but we will definitely try.

Hope you all enjoyed your Halloween evening!

Harvest Party at Owen's Preschool

Owen's school doesn't celebrate Halloween so they have a Harvest party instead where they allow the kids to dress like farmers for the day. The kids played a few games outside and then we headed back inside for so good snacks to eat.

Here is a picture of Owen's class. This was during prayer time before we began eating. Look at Owen (he is the kid praying with his head in his hands on the carpet) Wy snuck in with his class on the carpet......he thought it was great!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011 Greenfield Village

We enjoyed our 3rd year trick'or'treating at Greenfield Village for one of their Halloween nights.

Here is Owen hanging out by a huge pumpkin that weighed over 400 pounds.

We met up with good friends at Miller's Bar before for dinner and then headed to the village. They had one area with a headless horseman....the skit that they do was rather this picture they had the headless horseman chasing the white horse.

They had a few pumpkins that were over 400 pounds. The biggest pumpkins I've ever seen!

Here are me and Wy on the pumpkin.

Owen and Arianna on the pumpkin. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Owen and Georgia or the three or four of them together.

They had hundreds of pumpkins lining the streets creating an illuminating path for us. They also had several displays of pumpkins like the one below all over the village. There were so many pumpkins, so creative, so unique!

This house was cool! They had singing pumpkins out front and a skeleton on the house. Owen loved watching the pumpkins sing and the skeleton move on the house.

Here is our Wy-man as Robin. Look at this kids permanent frown. He really is a happy kid, promise!

Here is EE comforting Owen looking at a scary ghost

Here are EE, Grammy, Mr. Craig with Wy.

Grampy, Kris and Owen.....oops I mean Batman.

We had so much fun! It makes for a long night since it is a little hike from home, but so worth it. Though this year Owen was more spooked than in the past and said he doesn't want to go next year. We will change his mind in time for next year!!

Owen's Preschool picture 4 years old

Here is Owen's first school picture ever!! And it is a good one! He told us both that he didn't smile so we weren't quite sure what the picture would look like, but he surprised us with a handsome smile and made us proud.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Owen's artwork

Here is Owen's latest artwork. He drew it the other night and I was rather impressed (look at the hand on the right, yep that's right 5 fingers.)

The funny thing is that he told Kris and I (at different times) what he drew.....

drum roll is a picture of "mommy with a long bellybutton."

Love that kid!!

My husband continues to amaze me....

This week he put in a new furnace. The past month the furnace has been shutting off on its own and only was blowing out cold air when we WANTED warm air. SO since the winter months are quickly approaching we decided we needed to get a new furnace. We knew the cost of the furnace was going to be more than we wanted to spend, I mean let's face it, who is ever excited about spending almost $3,000 for a new furnace?? Right?! Kris had the means to purchase only the furnace for about $800 and installed it with the help of my dad. Now our house is toasty warm again.....

Here is the old furnace hanging out on our porch...not really sure where or when it is going...hopefully soon!

And here is the new furnace running perfectly as it should on a 40 degree day! Love my husband, love him!

Owen's first field trip

Owen had his first field trip this week to the Leslie Science and Nature Center in Ann Arbor. Parents had to chaperon for their child so I got to tag along. It was so much fun to see Owen with his classmates! Though I must admit he was the most clingy child there.....he made me carry him and was almost in tears while saying "mommy don't leave me." I kept reassuring him that I was not going to leave and tried to encourage him to go and have fun with his friends....but he was still by my side til about 10 minutes before the trip ended. Then he was running around and being himself.

Below are a few pictures of Owen looking at a few turtles. After the field trip we met up with Owen's friend Elle and her mom for lunch. Elle is a beautiful little girl that Owen always talks about and even has had a few dreams about her......:)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Photo session 2011

Remember when all of my blog readers, way back when, helped us to win a free photo sitting? Well here are some of the pictures......they came out super cute

Unfortunately the woman who took our pictures is going out of business. She took Owen's newborn is sad, she has taking most of our professional photos over the past 4+ years....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The pumpkins revealed

Here is Wyatt's pumpkin....a big bat. And Owen's pumpkin, a vampire (per Owen). And it says "I'm going to get you young man that's old." again per Owen!! This kid is creative....

Thanks to Kris for helping make the pumpkins super special again this year....the boys have fun helping him.

Pumpkin Patch 2011

We took the boys to a local pumpkin patch today. They had a lot of fun running around was a gorgeous day! Wy-man is our little tough guy....look at him trying to move this pumpkin. Yeah, it didn't go anywhere!

He really is quite a stoic boy. At least I got him to look at me!

What's over there you ask? More pumpkins.....

This one looks pretty good.

He was in love with this little was adorable! It looked just like Kris' parents cat Chase.

Wyatt trying to get into the chicken coop. Owen wouldn't go near it, he said it smelled gross.

Owen playing on the hay bales.

A good attempt at brotherly love!

It was well worth the half hour we were gone. The boys had fun and we enjoyed some much needed sunlight. It has been so yucky here lately, rainy and cold!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Poor little sickie boy!

Wyatt was up most of the night whimpering........he is usually up at least once or twice so I just tried to go back to sleep. But then about an hour later he was still up and still crying out so I went and checked on him and he was throwing up in his crib, and was burning up. So we gave him some Tylenol and hoped he would sleep it off...... He spent most of the day like this. We cuddled all day long but towards the later part of the afternoon he was getting warmer and warmer despite the Tylenol. I ended up taking him into the doctor and his temp was 103.7. The doc said no ear infection and the instant strep test was negative so it seems like whatever he has is something viral. Poor boy!!

Owen at the Village

Grammy took Owen to Greenfield Village today for their Wizard of Oz exhibit. He had a blast, always does when he is with Grammy! And today was especially cool because Owen got to spend the whole day with Grammy, all by himself. Wyatt was sick so he stayed home with me.

This kid has no fear....look at him tearing up the rock climbing wall!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Boys...bathed and ready to read

I took the boys to Fantastic Sam's tonight for haircuts.....they do a pretty good job. Plus, the salon by our house has a Lego section that keeps the boys busy. I took them last time on August almost 2 months has past in between cuts. Their hair grows SO fast!!

We got home and I washed their hair covered clothes (and mine since Wyatt had to sit on my lap for most of his cut), had a bath, brushed teeth, got PJ's on, and I read the boys some books. It was a really nice way to wind down the day!

Owen's daddy while Kris is at work

So we are in Dick's Sporting Goods tonight and Owen walks right up to this mannequin and says "hey, he kind of looks like my daddy." Then he held his hand. It was so sweet! Nice body Kris!! I'm sure any man would take this as a compliment!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

More fun with Grammy

Yep they are making a pumpkin cake at Grammy's. Look at Wyatt, he is eating the frosting in both pictures.....that's my boy!!

Can't wait to have a piece of cake when they come home tonight!!

Oh how I miss them when they are gone. But today I was so productive! Almost overly productive. I cleaned the bathrooms on my hands and knees.....I haven't done that in months!!! And I washed everyones bedding so tonight should be extra comfy!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The boys at our favorite coney....

Boys at our favorite coney after church this morning. Wyatt is even saying "cheese" now and then cute! And Owen's smile was fabulous this morning!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I love my husband!

A few months ago I posted how my aunt had given Kris a few motorcycles. Well Kris as smart as he is, has fixed everything and the bike is in smooth operating condition. He drove it around the subdivision a few times much as I don't want him riding a bike.....I do have to admit he looks VERY good!!

If only I could confine him to the driveway and neighborhood like I do Owen while he is on his bike!! I wish it were that simple!


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