Saturday, February 28, 2009

Owen as happy as can be!

Friday night we had friends over to the house. Since we have a raised table with bar height chairs we needed the chair that Owen's high chair seat was on so that we could eat at the table. During the day we took off Owen's seat and put it on the floor. Owen preceded to climb in his chair and acted like he was not even the slightest bit phased that he was not at the dining room table. He as always was as happy as can be....... our sweet little good sport is not phased by much, so easy going like his daddy and grampy!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Owen loves his grammy!

Owen sometimes goes to see his grammy on Thursday's. It is so nice to have some time to myself to work, and get caught up on house work, etc. I appreciate grammy so much when she takes Owen for the day and the best part is that Owen LOVES his grammy and any time spent with her is like being in kid heaven.

Kris said today that when he dropped him off that within less than 5 minutes, Owen was running around eating a PEEP. Grammy can sugar him all up and then when he gets home he is exhausted. Enjoy this precious picture that grammy captured today while out on a walk with our sweet little boy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Does Owen like trucks?? Ummmm- yeah!

Owen is amazed by trucks of all shapes and sizes. He just stares at them and says "ooooh." He thinks they are pretty cool. Today I took this picture while the BIG truck was snow plowing our street. Again the picture is pretty dark since all the light comes in the front of the house during the day but hopefully you will get to see enough of it!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Jumping Fun!

I was able to capture this picture of Owen jumping onto the floor from about a foot off the ground. He started doing this today and was actually landing on his feet. He as always, is very proud of his accomplishment. The picture is a little dark, however hopefully you are able to see the jump in motion.... Have a great day!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Silly Owen!

Just a quick picture of one of the many silly things Owen does while playing in his crib. When Owen got up from his nap today this is how he was dressed.....I guess he takes after his daddy in the fashion department!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I love my Daddy!

Owen driving Kris' truck with his daddy! He was beyond excited! By the way- for any one wondering, he drove in a parking lot for about 1/10 of a mile if that!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Nana's winter hat and Owen

Nana and Papa came over to visit with Owen tonight. We watched some videos of when Owen was first born all the way through his first birthday. We enjoyed ourselves and had lots of laughs. It was fun reminiscing about the good old days. After they left Owen ran out in his play room wearing Nana's winter hat. He was wearing it on his head just as a hat should be worn. He ran all around the first floor just as proud as can be that he successfully was able to put in on himself. He played for about an hour wearing it proudly. As always my little model posed for a few pictures before we finally let Nana know that she left it here. Hope you get a good laugh out of these.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What do you want me to do now?

Owen will do anything I tell him too- he is such a good listener at an early age. I hope that this lasts forever!!! Tonight while getting him ready for bed, we let him run around with just his diaper on for a few minutes. I said, "hey Owen- get in the basket and sit on your bum so mama can take a picture of you." Within a minute he was in the basket posing for this picture. I love my little good sport!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Tonight Owen had the best dinner ever..... both healthy and extra nutritious. Hot dogs and Cheetos. What more could a little kid ask for???

Temper Tantrum time!

Ever since Owen turned one he has been throwing little temper tantrums. They only seem to be getting worse as he approaches two. They are quite humorous for all of those who are lucky enough to witness one of them. He normally flails his arms all about with a mad look on his face and if he is still told "no" he will likely pick up something and throw it. He especially enjoys throwing my phone, however gets even more upset when he gets in trouble for it. Ahhh, the days of my precious little baby sleeping and being so good are over. Today he had a melt down and threw himself on the ground and just laid there for a while. He wouldn't look at me when I was trying to take his picture so this is the best angle I was able to capture. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cousin Fun!

What a gorgeous day we had today. We had our first mile long walk of the year and all of the boys did really well. Owen was able to ride in the wagon with his big cousins, Nick 4 1/2 and Nathan who just turned 3 last week. They did great until the last stretch when they all decided they wanted to walk. Thankfully Nana was with me so she helped out too and we all made it home safe and sound. Can't wait for spring and summer so we can start our daily bike rides and walks and get back in shape.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Where was my mom???

This afternoon Owen decided to brush his teeth. He got out his tooth brush and stood on his new step stool like a big boy. I turned on the water and let him play for a couple of minutes while I picked up his bedroom. When I came back in the bathroom, I was amazed that he figured out how to take the cap off of the tooth paste- then I realized that the tooth paste was no where to be found. In fact Owen did not put tooth paste on his tooth brush, instead he put foaming hand soap on it and was making quite a funny face- as if he was not very happy that it didn't tast the same as his yummy Crest for kids. If you look really closely in the picture you can see the blue hand soap on his upper lip. Hopefully he learned at an early age that he doesn't enjoy the taste of soap in his mouth.


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