Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chicago- day 1!

This year we decided to take the boys to Chicago for their Christmas present. We've been choosing a trip each year for Christmas in lieu of lots of presents under the tree that are 1) unneeded and 2) not remembered. I think this is our third or fourth year of celebrating like this. I know the boys would love to have tons of presents but I'm hopping that as they get older they will remember our traditions and carry them on in their own families. 

We left super early last Monday and drove straight to Chicago. We were thankful for the time change of one hour as it gave us an extra hour to roam around in the aquarium, which was amazing! Hands down this was the ultimate favorite destination of our entire family. 

Check out their faces.....and this is after having been in the car for close to 5 hours. 

After Shedd we ventured out on a walk to find the Navy Pier...big mistake! We knew it was a bit of a walk but we were sure we would find some form of transportation to get us there. Nope!! We walked the entire distance. It was painful after an already long day. 

Wyatt was less than enthused....oh and we were hungry too!

Thankfully they gave us a few smiles. 
After Navy Pier we headed back to the aquarium to get the car, we found a taxi this time and everyone was a lot happier.....until our drive from downtown to my uncles in rush hour. I am definitely not a city girl. 

Alas we made it to the great UR's and were greeted by some Christmas decor and filet mignon and shrimp followed by some pumpkin pie. It was the perfect close to our day.  It allowed us the downtime we needed to refocus on the purpose of our trip. 

Next up is day 2!

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