Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Wyatt 32 weeks 4 days ultrasound

I must say that I am always a little disappointed when we receiving pictures of just seems like they are so crummy and very hard to make out. This picture is a profile picture. We have opted not to have any 3D/4D ultrasounds since we really want to be surprised at how he looks when he is born.

The hemorrhage is still there and actually grew to 4.5cm since last visit. I meet with my OB tomorrow for a more detailed report and am expecting her to tell me to keep on my same restrictions and just take it as easy as possible.

Overall I feel pretty good and am so thankful that I only have 7 weeks to go.......after 6 months of dealing with uncertainty, I am finally feeling pretty good about things! God is good, all the time...All the time, God is good!

1 comment:

  1. I love that we have the same blog background!! :o) Great minds think alike! :o)

    I feel like the ultrasound pictures that we've gotten with this little one have not been very good either. I actually didn't even get to see the screen for most of my u/s on Wednesday. There was a student in and the tech had the screen positioned so she could see it which left me not able to see much of anything. Annoying! I guess I can't complain though because I've gotten so many more u/s than regular pregnancies!

    thanks for sharing your blog with us! I'm now following you!



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