Friday, July 5, 2013

Magic eraser....before and afters

A few weeks ago I grabbed a magic eraser to clean something outside and while i was outside I wondered if it would clean off the siding. Lo and behold it worked amazingly. So well in fact that I cleaned all of the siding on the back of our house.

So the next time I went to the store I bought two big boxes of magic erasers with a vision in mind to clean the rest of the house. It takes forever but it truly is like magic.

Here is a before on the front porch.

And an after.

And the other side. It's like new!

Here is a spot that our sprinkler hits daily.

And the after. I was bummed it didn't remove all of the rust but it looks so much better.

This is on the side of the house. It was so nasty. Every time I mow I always hated seeing this.

But nothing a magic eraser couldn't fix.

And lastly this pot was white. We got it as a wedding gift.....over 9 years was super nasty. I tried the magic eraser on it and it looked so much better but there was so much rust and mildew build up on it that just wasn't coming I spray painted it this cool blue color. Now it's fun and vibrant!! I love it! I'm thinking about painting my windows but just don't know if I want to ruin the charm that they have right now.

Thanks for stopping by!

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