Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Year end review

My job recently changed. I finally started working part time again. I love it! But even though I'm not working nearly as much or as often, I am still finding myself just plain old busy. I guess that is to be expected with the Christmas season nearing....

I worked way to much this year. Over 50+ hours most weeks since January. I had several doctor appointments this year, which revealed nothing new. By September I started to finally feel good. I've had no swelling and am on a very low dose of steroids. I follow up again in January and am hoping to be able to go off of all of my medications. I turned 32 this year and love my husband and my boys more then ever! I am so blessed to be able to continue to work from home. I had my second colonoscopy this year. I love the drugs, and hate the prep. I was informed I had the nicest looking colon of the day....what a nice compliment.

Owen had his first cavity filled this year...they say it was juice induced so we have cut back on juice for both of the boys. He also spent two nights in the hospital earlier this year for gastroenteritis. he was severely dehydrated. Owen started kindergarten at a private Christian school. He loves it and kris and I are so fortunate to be able to send him there. Owen ran in his first race this year with aunt Julie. It was a very short distance followed by a mud pit he had to crawl through. He didn't like the mud, at all! He mastered riding his bike this year over Memorial Day weekend while we were on a camping trip with our good friends. He continues to be an amazing big brother for the most part. He started reading which was a beyond proud moment for kris and I. I'll never forget that moment! He also memorized the most of the united states song this year. We would sing it over and over and over on our camping road trips. He has it mastered except for two states, Oregon and South Dakota. His vocabulary is superb and he continues to amaze us in every aspect of his little life so far.

Wy man is a big beast. There are almost exactly 3 years between Owen and Wyatt and Wyatt only weighs 5 pounds less than Owen does. We started potty training Wyatt in may and he did great. It took a few weeks for him to get the concept and a few more weeks of practice but now he is such a champ!! He started talking up a storm in may as well. It was like the day he turned 2 he was a little talker. He is so much fun and is such a sweet boy. He is funny too!! He still takes naps everyday and thankfully with my new work schedule I get to nap with him! He goes to Grammys once a week and has a blast... So blessed for Grammy taking wy. As much as I love him he also exhausts me! Wyatt also had his first teeth cleaning this year, a real cleaning. He did awesome! The staff at the dentist could hardly believe he was only two!

Kris is still teaching. What a blessing his job is. When he teaches he isn't home often but all in all it is such an awesome schedule for him. The drive is a bummer but he just got a "junker" car, or at least that is what he calls it so he can save money on gas by not driving his diesel 100+ miles per day. So far we have noticed a huge difference. He loves his job and that is so important. I'm so happy for him that he can do something that he loves, is confident about and can support our family. I know the boys and maybe me ( :) ) mean everything to him.

We went on several trips this year. Splash village a few is a favorite of ours! And of course numerous camping trips....frankenmuth a few times, pj hoffmaster another favorite destination of ours, holly, silver lake, port Huron, fairview, gladwin, Gaylord and I'm sure I am missing a few.

I kept up my end of the bargain on my New Years resolutions. We have saved money and paid down debt. Primarily paid off some debt but managed to save a little. I have been reading my bible every night and have only missed a handful of nights. We have been eating better, not perfect, but better, and my family time is getting much better since I am not working so much.

We can't wait to see what blessings 2013 will bring....we pray for nothing but God's will for us!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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