Sunday, May 12, 2013

Julie's wedding

After a very crazy 6 days of wedding planning, I'm relieved and excited to say we did it! It was a long week filled with lots of running and phone calls and stress and anxiety but yesterday we enjoyed a beautiful day celebrating the marriage of two beautiful sister and my now brother -in-law, John.

Here they are Friday at the rehearsal.

And Saturday morning came quickly and me and my mom and sister all enjoyed a little pampering of getting our hair and makeup done. My sister was stunning!

Me and her!!

My fam minus my brother. The professional got a good one of all of us.

Julie with "her" boys. They did such a great job and looked so handsome. Wy did great until it was time to walk down the aisle. He had a little meltdown and just wouldn't do it. Kris sat with him in the narthex the whole ceremony. But after that he did a pretty good job of smiling for all of the pictures after and was a trouper for the rest of the VERY long night.

I'll try to post more later when I get them. I'd like to be able to share all of our hard work that we did at my parents to make it a magical evening. Everything looked amazing!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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