Sunday, November 3, 2013

Family pics 2013

my blogging recently has been sparse. I'm trying to keep up the best I can. My best friend lost her five year old boy to brain cancer about six weeks ago, so I've had a hard time blogging about my family. Please pray for my friend as it is such a tough battle for her right now. Even tough I talk/text her everyday I cannot begin to imagine how much pain she is in, I mean I can imagine a little because every time I think about it (which is often) I get sick to my stomach and my eyes instantly start to well up with tears.

That's what has been on my best friend who wants so badly to have her little boy back.....and I have my perfect little family.... it almost doesn't feel fair that I can blog pictures of my family.....healthy....happy.....lucky.....blessed!!!!

But my life has to continue in the midst of her grief. I feel guilty often for what I have that I once took for granted. So these past few months as she has been dealing with her loss the best way she can, I've been loving up my boys every second I can. I know all things through Him happen for a reason, and I believe that her situation has given me a better perspective, more appreciation for what I do have, and I'm learning not to take anything for granted. I just can't get enough of my little family and feel anxious when my boys are not in my sight.

Today my sister took family pictures of us. Up to this point I was not going to send out Christmas cards this year, the only year I haven't had any motivation to do so. And for those of you who know me, really know me, any chance for a photo op with my family is an occasion I wouldn't miss. I'm coming around a little bit.....still not certain I will send any out but appreciating the opportunity to have these pictures of my precious family who I love beyond belief.


Thanks for stopping by!

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