Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Owen has strep too!

Last night I decided to take Owen in to be checked for strep. He had no fever and was acting fine but every so often would complain of a sore throat. It was hard to tell if he was playing me or if he legitimately didn't feel well. I chose the first option yesterday morning and decided to take him into school late (because he was running around like a lunatic all morning) but then decided last night I better be safe than sorry and take him in. Sure enough his rapid strep was positive instantly. Bad mom of the year right here!!

So we started antibiotics for him around 9 pm last night.

Today he was running around like crazy so I forced him to nap with me. Literally he slept on me like this for an hour and a half. I was hoping for a nap too since my sister took Wyatt to his gymnastics class, but there was no way of getting comfortable enough for some shut eye. But I soaked it all in and wouldn't have traded this hour and a half for anything!

And later today my parents came over for a bit. My mom took me to target for a sanity break and my dad stayed with the boys. When I got home the boys were like this outside. I'm sure glad they are feeling better!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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